$19.50 Hour + MAC Computer Work From Home Job With No Degree Required | Work From Home Stipend | USA

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Well welcome back my YouTube friends and Family this is Lindsay and I am back With another daily work from home job Lead for you today's job lead is from The company fluent stream Technologies They have only 41 reviews on Glassdoor They have a 3.5 out of 5 star rating as Always I will leave this glass door page With the job page if you're interested In applying link down in the YouTube Description box below this video one Thing I want to quickly ask I try to Make these videos as helpful as I can For you by providing getting straight Into the job lead and not wasting your Time and providing the link straight to The application page in the YouTube Description box without having to go to Any other websites but if you have any Other suggestions on things I could Improve on or do differently that would Make these videos more helpful for you Please let me know Down Below in the Comments I am looking to help better This Channel and make it as helpful to You as I can but with that being said Today today's job lead is going to be a Customer service job lead I know a lot Of you are looking for non-phone but There are some of you that do like Customer service so I try to share a Little bit of everything fluent stream Is hiring a tier 2 customer support Representative this is remote for my

United States folks only but fluent Stream is a software as a service Company they look to automate how Businesses communicate with their Customers and so thousands of businesses Across the country have replaced their Old Legacy phone systems with fluent Streams modern and cloud-based Communications platform their apps Enable support sales and other Professionals to deliver that great Customer service from any location so They are looking for someone to help Work the front lines of their client Communications providing Tech Support to The customers they say this is not a Volume driven metrics crazy call center They really want you to provide the best Support and not worry about rushing Through you'll be doing inbound phone Support email support chat support help Desk tech support and you'll be active Involving an ongoing training so you'll Be working all different kinds of Communication lines they are looking for Someone who has a high school diploma or GED but no college degree is required Someone who has at least two years Experience in customer service customer Facing role someone who has experienced In a high volume contact center of Course you have to have previous Experience of working from home and be Able to work from home have a great

Attitude enjoy working with people over The phone email and live chat they Really just want somebody who has a Passion for that customer service now if This sounds like something for you They're paying 19.50 an hour on top of That they're providing you a Mac Computer to work with and a home the Stipend for anything else you need for Your home office they do also offer a Standard benefit package that includes Health dental vision 401k and paid time Off all right if this job lead was not For you that's absolutely okay please Feel free to leave in the comments Anything specific that you're looking For because I do read those and keep That in mind thank you so so much for Watching and supporting me and I'll be Back really really soon with more work From home job leads just for you

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