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Welcome back my friends and happy Holiday season we will not waste any Time with the job leads today if you are Celebrating over the next four five six Days over the next week of all the Holiday activities I hope that you truly Enjoy your time with your friends and Family today's job lead is from the Company Splash they are hiring an Enterprise support a specialist now this Is more of a second shift they are Hiring someone to work Sunday through Thursday 2 P.M to 11 p.m Pacific Standard time they are however hiring Anywhere within the United States so if You're like in the Eastern Time Zone That would be a little bit earlier shift For you so just make sure that you Convert your time zone to these hours to See if that will work for you but if it Does that they are paying very very well Now they are looking for someone to Provide interlace Enterprise level Support for their Splash platform and Integrations by managing cases start to Finish you'll coordinate a resolution Plans directly with their product Engineering and customer service teams You'll have to diagnose and communicate Technical issues into marketing friendly Language you'll use creative problem Solving and analytical skills to craft Solutions to customer use cases so this Is more of like a technical type support

Role so for that reason they are looking For someone who is two years or more Experienced in some kind of a technical Support industry if you have experience With Case Management Systems ticketing Systems like zendesk or Salesforce that Is a plus they need you to know how to Use Google Docs or Microsoft Office Excel those types of things you do get Bonus points if you have some kind of Technical experience with web design Such as HTML CSS or JavaScript but that Is not required also no degree is needed Now they do offer great pay and great Benefits the pay for this position is Any anywhere from 58 500 a year all the Way up to sixty eight thousand five Hundred dollars a year and on top of That they do provide you a brand new Macbook to get you started and working And they also on top of that provide a Monthly stipend for you for your work From home expenses you can take that Monthly stipend and buy office supplies With it you can use it to pay your Internet bill whatever you need for your Home office all right if you've made it To the end of this video I want to say Thank you so so much for watching and Supporting me and I'll be back really Really soon with more work from home job Leads just for you two videos will be Popping up on your screen one I picked For you and the other YouTube picked for

You that you might enjoy next Please Subscribe and hit the Bell icon so you Never miss another work from home or Money making video from me thank you so So much for watching and I'll catch you In the next one

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