$66,000 Year NON-PHONE Chat & Email Team Lead Work From Home Job 2023 | Home Office Stipend | USA

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Welcome back my friends this is Lindsay And I am back with another non-phone Chat email work from home job lead this One is from the company give butter they Are hiring not only a non-foam customer Support person but they are hiring a Customer support team lead so this is a More advanced position I always Encourage you to go for those Advanced Positions working from home in an Advanced position is the greatest thing Ever if you can get into that just know The links to everything I share are in The YouTube description box below now I Did quickly do a little bit of research On this and while I couldn't find the Actual job title customer support team Lead I did find a team lead on give Butters Glassdoor page and it is Estimated salary of around 66 000 a year it looks like the base pay is About fifty thousand dollars a year with About sixteen thousand dollars a year Here in additional bonuses I will leave This Glassdoor page linked in the YouTube description box below if you Want to read reviews or anything as well But they are looking for a support team Lead to be responsible for managing the Day-to-day operations of their Best in Class chat and email support team while Refining the process and making sure it Is efficient so not only will you be Overseeing all aspects of chat and email

Support team you'll Champion continuous Feedback performance and management of Those people who are working the chat And email support you'll also be Assisting with hiring and onboarding or Training exceptional talented team Members you'll manage the chat and email Team of forecasting and scheduling You'll maintain the robust robust Quality assurance program you'll hold Your team accountable to meeting their Kpis and you'll become a technical and Product expert take on escalations and a Work alongside your team as needed You'll be managing the chat and email Support a tech stack internal tooling Policy development and culture now they Are looking for someone who has three Years of experience hiring or managing a Team of both U.S or overseas support Specialists they're looking for someone Who's five years experience of chat or Email support someone who's a great People management skills someone who is Experienced with help desk software and Someone who is experienced in using Intercom is beneficial but not required Now this is for the United States only They do offer a complete benefit package Including health insurance 401K but they Also offer a home office stipend to Upgrade your home office with company Sponsored expenses including high Quality laptops and monitors and modern

Technology all right if you've made it To the end of this video I want to say Thank you so so much for watching and Supporting me please feel free to leave In the comments anything specific that You're looking for as I'm always reading Those and keeping that in mind when I am Searching for things to share and I'll Be back really really soon with more Work from home job leads just for you

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