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Hey everyone happy Monday it's Suzanne Today I have a work from home job for You it is a data entry clerk I got a lot Of feedback from you in one of my last Videos that you all were looking for Some no phone jobs some data entry jobs And so this is going to be perfect for That they are paying up to 23 dollars Per hour depending on experience and it Is a fully remote position now they have Other qualifications listed here but We'll go through all those under the job Summary the data entry Position will be Responsible for transferring data from One source to another through data entry Equipment word processing or verbal Recordings the ability to accurately Type and at a fast pace is highly Desired the chance to work 100 from the Comfort of your home via a personal Computer transferring data from paper Formats via computer recorders or Scanners entering data into appropriate Fields databases Etc handling numerical Data accurately organizing spreadsheets Curating data directly updating Databases or records typing data Directly and accurately modifying the Security backups and summarizing data For standardized reports viewing Verifying confidential or private Customer client info and verifying data By correctly checking and comparing Source stocks organizing paper formats

So essentially this is all just saying You're going to be doing all of the Tasks that are around entering data Entering it making sure it's correct and Then modifying it if you need to so some Of the requirements they're looking for Is accurate and precise attention to Detail obviously they want it to be Accurate good communication skills time Management skilled knowledge and Generating process documentation be able To assist team vendor members fast Typists speak confidently understand Data they would like you to have a high School diploma associate's degree or Bachelor's degree is not required but it Is preferred so if you have it you may Have a better chance of getting this job If you don't have it I'd still apply Anyway willingness to learn and to grow With the company working a fast-paced Environment extensive knowledge of Microsoft pay strong attention to detail And knowledge of touch typing system Preferred right meaning you can you know How to type all right so if you're Interested in this position that's it I'm going to go ahead and Link leave the Link Down Below in the description now Just a word Um this link that is going to take you To is with a company that they're going To ask you to sign in with either a Facebook account or a Google email if

You don't want to sign in with a Google Email That you normally use you can go ahead And create a new Google Gmail and you Can use that to sign in and create an Account with this company but you will Have to do that to be able to see this Job so just a forewarning so I'm going To put the link down below for you guys And I will have another work from home Job lead for you

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