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Good morning it's Suzanne happy Monday Today I have a remote quality assurance Specialist position with the company CVS Health now in this position they are Going to pay you between 18 and 35 Dollars per hour to listen to calls and Give feedback to the customer service Agents you're going to monitor and Evaluate the quality and handling of Inbound calls outbound calls Correspondence and documents Productivity issues performance measures For management review you're going to Provide information to assist in the Feedback and formal education process of Call center staff so you're going to Coach the customer service staff on Their proper call handling and Maintaining call quality standards Provide ongoing feedback and act as a Subject matter in addressing procedural Issues conduct audits ensuring Compliance with performance standards And Superior outcomes perform mandatory Call monitoring utilize available Software and Hardware identify Developing Trends impacting service Levels report on performance results and If required you may answer phone calls Respond to written inquiries and handle Escalated issues in support of work Performed by customer service and or Supervisory staff you're going to Perform effective service recovery and

Provider education monitor the Participation and completion of web Web-based training for the call center Staff through local quality reviews and Effective time management you're going To work to improve the rate of first Call response provide Technical and Subject matter expertise relative to the Policies and procedures alright guys if This sounds something like you're Interested in I'm going to go ahead and Put the instructions to apply down in The description for you otherwise I will See you all in the next video

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