Non-Phone Tickets Support Work From Home Job Hiring GLOBALLY With No Degree Needed | Won’t Last!

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Welcome back my friends this is Lindsay And I am back with another work from Home job lead for you this one is Non-phone doing tickets type customer Support and they are hiring globally From what I have been told the links to Both the Glassdoor page and the Job Link That I'm going to share are always in The YouTube description box below this Video but today's job lead is for the Company smartcat now smart cat works With other businesses to provide Business Solutions to agencies to Streamline the translation of any Content into any language on demand they Also have platforms that help with the Prop put business processes on autopilot From content creation to payments on Glassdoor they have a 3.8 so almost a Four out of five a star rating they have Great reviews and while they don't have A very many salaries posted the ones They do have a posted are very high Paying but they are hiring a suppliers Support specialist but they are looking For someone to provide high quality Support for smart cat suppliers by Offering assistance with empathy passion Clear communication and collaborating Closely with the product team so you'll Be resolving supplier support requests In modern ticketing systems such as Zendesk and utrack so completely Non-phone you'll be brainstorming and

Troubleshooting their complex issues You'll develop and maintain Documentation for user help center and Internal pages so this is like creating Documentation for like FAQ Pages you'll Escalate supplier request to other teams One needed and you'll engage and Collaborate with other Engineers Analysts testers all different types of Internal departments so that you can Research troubleshoot resolve all the Issues in an accurate And Timely manner Now they are not requiring any kind of College degree for this position you do Have to have excellent English Communication skills though you have to Have a passion for helping and teaching Others they would like someone who has Experienced as a project manager someone Who has a growth mindset and is open to Constructive feedback or opinions now Unfortunately they did not list pay for This position that's always dependent on Location and experience and I could not Find this job title listed on their Glassdoor page so you'll have to ask About the salary at the time of the Interview alright as always if this job Lead was not for you that is okay please Feel free to leave in the comments Anything specific that you're looking For along with any education and Experience that you have I do read those And keep that in mind thank you so so

Much for watching and supporting me and I'll be back really really soon with More work from home job leads just for You

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