Easy Peasy Non Phone Work From Home Job | Get Paid To Send Text Messages | Weekly Pay | Online Job

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Happy hump day two chicks fam it's me Carl and I am back with another Non-phone part-time easy peasy texting Work from home job now today guys it is Live stream Wednesday so drop your Comments down below we want to hear from You guys what should we talk about on This live stream now tan and I we were Thinking about to skip the interview Jobs or no degree jobs but we want to Hear from you guys make sure you smash That red subscribe button turn on that Bell notification thumbs up these videos And make sure you share guys we are Trying to get to a hundred thousand Subscribers before the end of the year We have those 10 laptops I already Bought and paid for we are just waiting To get this make sure you share tell a Friend invite your people to the live Stream today let us know in the comments Guys what type of work from home job or Side hustle you guys are looking for now If you're looking for the non-phone jobs Make sure you hop over here to the Non-phoneworkathome.com blog be sure to Hop over to the two chicks blog look Under the spotlight job section apply For Omni and for tell us and don't Forget to sign up for Branded surveys This is by far one of the best survey Sites out there the link is down below In the comments let's get into this Video so guys this company they are

Hiring again for their SMS which means The text messaging system and this Position is for their client care Coordinator so the company is Boom Town The last time we posted this job it did Go fast so you guys already know when I Say run I'm not kidding you mean you Need to really run and apply for these Jobs so let's get into the video so as An SMS client concert you you will act As the first point of contact for all Internet leads through texting according To the predefined processes and this Just means guys that it's probably I'm Guessing that is probably scripted Already and all you guys have to do is Probably basically just copy and paste Learn and utilize the scripts that help Determine key information like the leads The home buying time frame desired Location price point interest in real Estate and I'm pretty sure by now you Can guess what this this particular Company is into they are into the real Estate Arena Identify and take appropriate actions Based on if the lead is ready or not to Speak with our clients utilize our CRM Which is customer relationship Management software for documenting and Logging interactions with potential home Buyers slash sellers consistently follow Up on all viable leads that are Unresponsive following predefined

Texting plans strive to achieve all Measured goals which are focused on Conversation quality quantity and Conversion collaborate with other Country team members to achieve overall Team goals now you will be a good fit For this role if you have exceptional Written communication skills experience In a customer facing role experience in A collaborative environment the ability To form client relationships quickly Excellent time management skills and the Ability to multitask effectively strong Attention to detail and the ability to Follow processes 100 another time Experience in a remote self-directed Environment and understanding of or Interest in the real estate industry it Is not required but it is highly Encouraged our background encouraged to Apply sales client management Hospitality marketing Tech Etc fluency In Spanish is a must and from what I've Heard guys this one is very easy to get Hired on with a lot of people said that The interview was an easy peasy process And after the interview they were Offered the position now The schedule of details it says that the Shifts available are 24 7. shifts are Generally four to six hours at a time at Least four to six hours weekend shift Per week is required which is not bad Because you're only texting and it is

Non-phone must have capacity to work Between 18 to 25 hours per week with the Possibility to flex up or down hours Depending upon the business needs by Weekly schedule is published at least Two weeks in advance and employees must Adhere to the published schedule regular Consistent and punctual attendance is Required now it says here the job Requirements you must have a high school Diploma or GED you must be at least 18 Years of age so if you guys have those Teenagers in the house and they're 18 Years of age or older they can apply for This job pass a post offer Pre-employment background check they Will be checking your background and This could be due to sensitive or Personal information that is requested From their clients be authorized to work In the U.S must be able to be stationary While sitting at a computer for longer Periods of time Must have acquired workspace that is Conducive to successfully performing in The role in a remote capacity but However it is non-phone so they can't See or listen to your background typing Speed of at least 50 words per minute With 100 accuracy tech savvy now let's Go back to the typing if you don't have The 50 words per minute not sure if They're going to give you a typing test However just in case they do you want to

Be prepared for that go over to Typingtest.com you can practice practice Because what practice makes perfect this Is a free website guys it has helped me A lot it has helped others to get their Typing speed up as well so be sure to Check it out and just in case because I Don't know but they may give you a Typing test just to check your speed Personal computer you must use your own Computer with the webcam with Google Chrome browser secure internet Connection minimum of 40 Mbps download And 10 Mbps on the upload now With the states if you go over to their Website they hire in more space than What they have posted on here now this Is an actual copy of the website when You go over to apply you can see more States so make sure you guys do that Just don't look right here and say oh I Don't see my state because your state Could very well much so be listed where It says apply on their website not on Hours but go over to their website hit The apply button so you guys can see the Rest of the states preferred technology Eight gigs of RAM The Intel the wide internet connection The experience with Google tools Experience with database management Software or systems and I'm not 100 sure Guys if these are required it just says Preferred and then it says the

Application process they take you Through a brief like your start by Applying today uploading the resume Answering the questions qualified Candidates will be invited to complete Um our approximately 15-minute online Assessment so you will have to do an Assessment guys keep that in mind the Final step short phone call and and They're true they're telling the truth About that because a lot of people said That they were they did the interview And it was very easy peasy they were Asked a few questions and then they were Offered the position Um this one guys is on the lower paying Side 11 an hour however you gotta think It is a work from home job it is weekly Pay and you are working from the comfort Of your home you can work in your pjs if You want to because you're not on the Camera you may have to have a webcam Maybe this for training purposes but You're not on the camera with this one So this one is an excellent opportunity For those of you that may have children Or pets and you need Um a non-phone job that's easy and this Is a good one this is a good egg to get In your basket as you guys can see they Do offer 401K a wellness incentive and Gym discounts paid training growth Opportunities so you can start here but You don't have to stay here gain the

Knowledge gain the experience get the Skills for these non-phone jobs and you Can take this one guys and go over and Apply for some of those data entry jobs Again the company is Boom Town this is a Part-time position they're hiring for Their SMS which is their text messaging Operators for their client care Coordinator position and it pays 11 an Hour weekly pay they are State specific So make sure you guys do some research About the company just in case you get Asked that question what do you know About Boomtown you guys want to be Always prepared and not surprised go Over to Google type in Boomtown see what Comes up then what you want to do guys Is apply apply apply apply the link will Be posted right below the video in the Description box so you guys can apply For this one make sure you share this Video share this awesome video with your Friends and family members you may just Be that one to help somebody land their First second or third work from home job And you want to be a blessing to others Then you want to hop on over to Facebook And join us kiss that cubicle goodbye Make sure you guys follow us on our two Chicks with a side hustle Facebook Business page we're giving away two Laptop computers over there they are Absolutely free just in case you don't Win over here go over there follow us

Start sharing the content or tagging Your people in the content Hop on over to tick tock Twitter and Instagram follow us over there because On Instagram we're doing a pop-up Giveaway guys pop-up giveaway so this Means that we are going to pop up over There and do a giveaway so make sure That you pop over there follow us on Instagram two chicks with a side hustle Tag your friends put us in your stories That's a way of sharing and then just Leave us a comment somewhere over there On their platform my name is Carl let us Know in the comments should we talk About no degree jobs or they'll skip the Interview jobs and I'll catch you guys In the next video bye YouTube

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