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[Music] Foreign [Music] Welcome back I hope everybody's doing Good today I'm doing great and I'm back With another job for you guys and this Job right here is coming from the Company common lid and they're currently Looking for a human resource associate To work in Washington DC or remotely Full time the shop has some pretty Decent pay so let's go ahead and get Straight into the details so with this Job right here you're going to be Working with the operations team on all Components of the recruitment process That's going to include recruitment Posting job openings scheduling Interviews conducting reference and Background checks and preparing offer Letters you will assist with onboarding And off-boarding full-time employees and You're going to collaborate with the Human resources manager on all facets of The contractor management process Including coordinating with hiring Managers on contractor hires and Contract renewals and process contractor Invoices I'm going to administer pay Benefits time and leave and other Employee actions and HR systems and Assist with compliance related tests Such as eeo-1 reporting to ensure Compliance with applicable federal state

And local laws and regulations and You're going to maintain Personnel files For employees you do need to have a Bachelor's degree in Human Resources Management business administration or Related field and at least two years of Experience working in the Human Resources field experience with employee Recruitment excellent oral and written Communication skills excellent Interpersonal problem solving and Conflict resolution skills and the Ability to prioritize tasks and meet Deadlines and experience working in a Diverse environment this job is going to Pay between 60k and 70k yearly you're Going to get benefits and you do need to Apply by February 1st 2023 you will need To submit a cover letter and a resume And in your cover letter you will Describe your prior HR experience and Provide an example of how you have Proactively improved an HR process or Capacity the application for this job Doesn't look to be too long and of Course if you're interested in applying You can find the application in the Description bar you guys know if you Have any questions or any comments you Can leave those below I'm wishing you The best of luck and thank you so much For watching I'll see you in my next Video

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