Carnival Hiring! Work From Home Job! – No Degree Online Job $17 An Hour Remote Job + Equipment

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Hey two chicks fam happy Friday it's me Carl and I am back with another work From home video but before I jump in Make sure you guys subscribe like and Share because on this channel we give Away laptops and if you want to win take The video put it on Facebook be sure to Come back and leave us a comment down Below don't forget to go back guys check Out all the videos that were posted on The channel today make sure you guys hop Over here to the two chicks blog look on The home page look for a tell us tell us Is a non-phone no interview part-time Work whenever you want company be sure To apply for them today and make sure You share it with a friend also don't Forget to let us know in the comments What type of work from home job or side Hustle so you guys are looking for and Be sure don't sleep on branded surveys Be sure to sign up the link is in the Comments let's get into the video so the Company is Carnival this is a fun client So the company Carnival they are looking To fee of their fun expert agent and as You guys can see it says virtual so you Will be handling incoming calls relating To customers and guests experiencing Technical issues with the Carnival Website the travel agent portal it says Goccl fun shops online you will also Have to check in in all pre-sale portals Handles incoming sales calls from direct

Consumers interested in booking a cruise Vacation with the goal of converting the Call into a cruise booking and also Taking excellent notes to submit future Leads for the outbound team on calls That do not result in a booking Troubleshoot minor Tech issues and Escalate to the I.T via the opening Service case to troubleshoot escalations Actively participate in an ongoing Feedback and coaching sessions from Quality assurance coach as well as Contribute to team meetings and Participate in the ongoing trainings now The qualifications High School diploma Or GED six months to one year of Previous sales and customer service Experience guys this is required Excellent attendance and punctuality is An essential function you are someone That is a problem solver and can easily Connect with the guest exceed their Expectations with your guidance Knowledge and real passion for travel Provide thorough and complete info Regarding booking a cruise including Quoting various promotions and targeted Offers ability to explain Tech info to Guests in a simple and clear manner Excellent verbal and written Communication skills as well as the Ability to effectively prioritize and Manage your time it says ability to Demonstrate excellent adherence to

Schedule and you can multitask across Systems and applications and comfortably Navigate a desktop environment now for This position guys the offer is 17 an Hour it does say offers to selected Candidates will be made on a fair and Equitable a basis taken into account Specific job related skills and Experience so could be more than 17 an Hour and then it could not so they do Offer health benefits as you guys can See here it says medical dental and Vision Employee Assistance programs Other Mental Health Resources I do see Vacation time sick time and all of that Good stuff so guys this one is posted Over on the two chicks blog I will be Sure to leave a link right below the Video in the description box so you guys Can check out this company I do think They provide equipment as well we do ask Guys that you do your own research know Something about Carnival just in case You get an email to do an interview you Would want to be prepared and not Surprised make sure you take my video And share it with a friend family member Or anyone who's looking for a legit work From home job let them know guys that we Post them on this YouTube channel and to Those that have been sharing our Information Nation we greatly greatly Appreciate you guys thank you thank you So much be sure to hop on over to

Facebook join kiss the cubicle goodbye Make sure you are following these other Platforms because guys we have giveaways Going on with this brand this year so The group we're trying to get to 250 000 Members and then we have a Facebook Business page where we are trying to get To a hundred thousand followers on that Page last but not least we have a Twitter and also an Instagram Instagram We're trying to get to 10 000 followers And we are so close so if you have an Instagram be sure to follow us over There and share and leave us a comment Don't forget to come back guys and leave Us a comment somewhere we will see the Comments and we will put your name on That giveaway list my name is Carl and I Will catch you wonderful lovely amazing People in the next video Bye YouTube [Music]

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