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Hey everyone my name is Theresa swag and On the channel as you can see in the Back I bring to you nothing but no talk And work from home job leads they go out Every single day at 7 A.M Central Standard time so if you're looking for a Work from home job where you're not Talking to any customers on the phone Consider subscribing to the channel I'm Going to show you free places where you Can go and practice your Microsoft Word And typing for free let's let me go Check show it to you right I talk about Officialtypingtest.com where you can Practice your typing test and your 10 Key Test Plus a typing tips if you click On the 10 key this is what you're going To see and you can decide on how many Minutes you want to practice click on Three minutes and this is what you see Where you can go and practice your Typing skills and data entry also Microsoft 365 training these are free Places where you can learn Microsoft Office for free remember subscribe to The channel for more no talk and work From home job leads they go out every Single day at

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