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TGIF thank God it is Friday happy Friday Two chicks fam and it is me curl I am Back with a part-time non-phone easy Peasy work from home job but before I Jump into this awesome video if you are New welcome to the channel make sure you Guys subscribe like and share the video Because on this channel guys we give Away laptops and we're giving away 10 More brand new laptops once we hit a Hundred thousand subscribers so all you Guys have to do is go tell a friend Share the video share the blog post be Sure to come back though and leave us a Comment down below don't forget to check Out the video guys that I posted on the Channel last night make sure you guys go Back and check out that live stream from Wednesday we talked about 11 data entry Companies that are hiring right now and If you are looking for a more non-phone Data entry chat jobs be sure to come Over here check them out on the Non-phoneworkathome.com blog also got Guys let us know in the comments what Type of work from home job or side Hustle you guys are looking for be sure To hop over to the two chicks blog look Under the spotlight job section make Sure you guys apply for Omni Interactions and don't forget to sign up For Branded surveys the link is down Below in the comment section let's get Into the video so guys this company here

Is called Wattpad they're looking to Feel their content moderator contract Work from home position again this Position guys it is 100 remote and it is Part-time so it says here that we are Looking for Content moderators to review And moderate user generated content now As a Content moderator you will review And investigate Visual and written Content that violates the community Guidelines you must be detail-oriented Visual and self-motivated now the Requirements experience and user Generated content moderation and Culturally aware of trans and pop Culture in the U.S you are someone that Is a self-starter and ahead of the game Technically Savvy and able to quickly Learn new systems high-speed internet Connection is required so this is an Easy one guys I did not see any state or Country restrictions over on the website I believe you can work anywhere in the World and apply for this job because I Did see other countries listed when you Go over to the page to apply so make Sure you guys do your own research make Sure you guys apply for this job there Will be a link posted right below the Video in the description box so you guys Can check out Wattpad sounds like a Great company to work for make sure you Share the video leave us a comment don't Forget to hop over to Facebook join us

The name of our group it is kiss that Cubicle goodbye we're doing a giveaway Guys in the group as well and also on Our Facebook business page we are giving Away two additional laptop have Computers absolutely free the only thing You guys have to do is come over there Follow us and start sharing the content As well and don't forget about tick Twitter and Instagram and Instagram We're doing another giveaway once we hit 10 000 followers so guys we have four Giveaways going on with our brand so Make sure you're following us and Sharing the content on all of the Platforms because this is a way to Increase your chances of winning a brand New laptop computer it could be a gift Card it could be cash cash app just Never know what we're gonna pull out of Our hats my name is Carol don't forget To share my video and leave me a comment Down below and I'll catch you wonderful Lovely amazing people on the next video Bye YouTube

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