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[Music] Foreign [Music] Welcome back I hope everybody's doing Good today I'm doing great and back with Another job for you guys and this one is Coming from the company Advent home Medical and they're currently looking For a cash posting specialist okay so Pretty good opportunity here we're gonna Go ahead and get into the details you Will be reporting any misconduct Suspicious or unethical activities to The compliance officer you're going to Post payments record general ledger Payments and perform electronic posting Responsibilities you're going to also Perform all required cash balancing Functions and work unapplied cash Accounts you're going to work credit Balances and identify if payer refunds Are needed and perform daily in monthly Reconciliation of cash posting to cash Receipts to identify and resolve complex Discrepancies in the reconciliation Process you will pull and interpret EOB Per refund request and process Adjustments and maintain patient Confidentiality you're going to review Remittance advice to assure appropriate Payments adjustments balance transfers And recruitment are completed accurately And you're going to respond to inquiries Regarding payments and Reconciliation

You're going to make procedure Recommendations assist with special Projects and you will participate in Surveys conducted by authorized Inspection agencies you do need to be a High school graduate experienced in cash Posting and Reconciliation also have Effective professional oral and written Communication skills and be able to Multitask and you must be Detail-oriented and have strong computer Skills including Microsoft Office the Pay for this job is going to be between 2150 and 24 an hour we are going to get Benefits and you will work Monday Through Friday and in terms of applying They're saying that you can apply on Indeed I do see an application button Here at the bottom me personally I would Just apply through the site oh of course If you guys are interested in applying You'll find the link in the description Bar guys know that I wish you the best Of luck make sure to leave any questions Or comments below and as usual I thank You guys so much for watching I'll see You in my next video

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