GET PAID $23-$30 HOURLY! No DEGREE NEEDED! NEW Full Time Work From Home Job

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[Music] Foreign Welcome back I hope everybody's doing Good today I'm doing great back with Another job for you guys and this one Right here is coming from the company Black Knight and they're currently Looking for a data analyst one okay so With this job right here you will be Working Pacific Standard Time hours you Must be willing to work Pacific Standard Time standard business hours so make Sure that it's going to work for you Depending on where you're located so Even though this is a data analyst job You will still be providing some type of Customer service here you're going to be Providing excellent customer service to External and internal clients by Answering questions and resolving issues And you're going to collaborate with Internal and external clients to Identify the best course of action to Meet High data accuracy departmental Goals you'll research and coordinate the Collection and review of the state County and municipality documents you're Going to consult directly with County Recorders on a daily basis to obtain the Most current and accurate deed and Mortgage tax information and research Jurisdictional related factual issues Using multiple contact methods from Various external reference sources

You're going to compile information and Prepare statistics charts and other Summaries to detail the findings and Communicate to multiple channels will Adhere to established documenting Procedures and timelines and organize And manage departmental documents Including the creation of spreadsheets To document information received need to Have a high school diploma or GED and Zero to three plus years of data Analysis and research experience Experience interpreting data and Conducting research they would prefer if You had a paralegal certification with One to two years of work experience Prior experience with real estate Experience working with Microsoft TFS And PBI also Proficiency in standard Office software such as Office 365 Excellent written and verbal Communication be able to prioritize and Summarize large amounts of information a High degree of analytical skills and Also positive outlook and strong work Ethic and this job is going to pay Between 23 and 30 an hour you're going To get a workday application so it's not Going to take too long and of course if You're interested in applying you can Check out the link in the description Bar if you guys have any questions or Any comments feel free to leave those Below and as usual I thank you guys so

Much for watching I'll see you in my Next video and good luck to everyone who Applies for the job

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