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Hey hey hey this is Tangy from two Chicks with the side hustle coming at You with another work from home position But before we get started do me a favor Hit that red subscribe button also hit That Bell notification button so you can Be notified whenever we post a new video Or do a live stream and remember on this Channel sharing is caring so do me a Favor take one of these YouTube videos Share it with your friends family anyone Who is looking to work from home come Back under this video type I shared and You will be entered into a drawing to Win one of 10 laptop computers once we Reach 100 000 subscribers and thank you to those Of you who have shared thus far well Today guys we have a position from a Company called Tivoli and Tivoli is a Profitable Insurance tech company and What they are looking for they are Looking for a remote contact center rep To join their team now this is day Specific but this is a great position so Stay tuned and find out why you'll be Handling inbound and outbound calls now You must live in Alabama Florida Georgia Kentucky Michigan Mississippi Missouri Nevada North Carolina Oklahoma Tennessee Texas or West Virginia and what you'll Be doing you'll answer or call potential Customers about their insurance needs Respond efficiently and accurately to

The callers questions and help provide a Solution utilize software and databases Understand and strive to meet the Contact center metrics you'll need a High school diploma bilingual in Spanish Is highly preferred but not necessary You need to understand the Company Products have a strong time management The equipment you need a window or apple Desktop or laptop Chromebook books are Not taken on business hours from seven To seven Monday through Friday I mean Saturday they are closed on Sunday Prioritized eight hours schedules on Monday Tuesday and Friday are mandatory Hourly rate the compensation is hourly Rate plus commission so commission is Based on the number of transferred Completed in the previous month Um so it is not a guaranteed amount Commissions is paid on the 15th of every Month and their top five earners over The past months was eleven hundred and Fifty dollars in commission they do Offer employee life insurance short-term And long-term disability and the um Hourly pay is 12 to 14 an hour if you're Interested please click apply here have A great day bye-bye

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