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Hi this is Melissa from melissia at home And I am back with another video if you Are not subscribed to Melissa at home And he came across this video and you Are interested in remote-based Opportunities legit or from home jobs Virtual jobs telecommuting jobs online Jobs side hustles as well as other Information pertaining to your Financial Health then definitely hit that Subscribe button and also there's a Notification Bell located below this Video make sure you click on that Notification Bell it will notify you Whenever a new video is posted of job Leads that you do not want to miss out On because these jobs can go super fast And you do not want to miss out on any Of the opportunities that are available To you okay so speaking on going super Fast this is another work from home job Lead that's coming from a company called Yelp and Yelp basically connects you With businesses as well as help you to Find reviews on companies so they are Currently looking for user operations Associate support now these types of Jobs with Yelp can go pretty fast okay I've seen this work from home position Before and when it was posted and shared It was gone within a few minutes or 10 Minutes or 20 minutes okay so this is a Hot lead and hot lead are leads that can Go fast and requires you to act swiftly

Okay now just because a job goes fast Doesn't mean that you're going to just Throw any application or resume at this Opportunity so check out my resume Templates this new I created these Templates for for those who are on the Go for jobs that are fast that may go Fast you want to have a resume already Prepped and that you can quickly tailor To fit any positions that are hiring Okay and not just any position and not Just any resume a remote base friendly ATS friendly remote resume that you can Edit for a particular position within Less than five to ten minutes okay so so Make sure you check out my resume Templates in the description section Below this video so yep it's currently Looking for user operations associate Support and and for this position you Will provide email-based support to Yelp's customer base you will resolve All types of cases and inquiries with High attention to detail while meeting Quality and quota targets you will Provide feedback to managers on possible Improvements of processes you will craft Messaging that is tailored to the end User audience for internal and external Communication okay now notice that they Mentioned meeting quotas usually that Pertains to making sales so this might Require you to meet a certain quota okay So be aware of that if this is not for

You that's fine it is not for everyone All right but if you're someone who's Looking to work with a company such as Yelp this would be a great opportunity To gain experience with this company now What does it take to be successful Within this role well they're looking For someone who hold a ba BS degree you Have at least one year of work Experience or other related experience You are comfortable again and open to a Quota driven environment you have Positive team oriented attitude have Diplomatic clear communication style you Have a solid computer skills Enthusiastic about yelp's Mission Etc okay so those are the qualifications So you just need to have like one year Of work experience or other related Experience you can go back through the Years of the jobs that you may have held That relates to this job and just Include that on your resume or your Cover letter again check out my resume And cover letter templates it will Definitely help you guys out all right Now what you'll get you'll they're Offering you full medical Vision in Dental so 14 weeks of parents to leave Monthly Wellness reimbursement health Savings flexible spending compensation Is forty thousand dollars annually you May may also be offered a bonus and Benefits added to your annually pay

Physician can pay anywhere between 769 dollars to 900 a week if you include Bonuses but we'll keep it at forty Thousand dollars a year for the average Salary for this job and this job is Available remotely so you can work Anywhere in the US so if you're International this is not available for Internationals you can always visit the Job post to find out if a job is hiring In your country so for this job it States on the job listing remotes us now There are some Global positions that are Still available on my website so you can Click on the now hiring section on Melissiahome.com and scroll down to the Jobs that are hiring uh for November and You will see some listings that State Global that may be for you guys or International so you want to check out Those jobs okay all right so this has Come from Yelp and they're looking for User operations associate it's email Based up opportunity that doesn't seem To require you to be on the phone and I Wish you all the best of luck happy work From home bye

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