Non-Phone Tickets Work From Home Job For An Education App With No Degree Needed | USA Only

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Welcome back my friends this is Lindsay And I am back with another non-phone Work from home job lead for you today as Always the links to everything I share Are always in the YouTube description Box below this video today's job lead is From the app class dojo now if you Haven't children in school you may have Heard of this before I I have personally Used the class dojo app before to Communicate with teachers that they send Out notices about assignments that they Gave out to the children my children's School has used this app before they do Have a 4.6 rating on Glassdoor however They only have 18 reviews but today they Are hiring a privacy support specialist Now you can work in their San Francisco Office otherwise this is remote for the United States now class dojo's mission Is to give every child on Earth an Education they love so they're trying to Build a network that connects the Teachers that children Children and Families but they are hiring a privacy Support specialist to handle all privacy Requests coming from a variety of users That can be privacy requests from Parents teachers tutors School leaders Or the children themselves so this is a Critical role to provide the community The right support and continue to skill Multiple projects so you'll accurately Respond to escalated customer support

Tickets in a timely fashion so this is Going to be non-phone support through a Ticketing system you'll identify and Document product and process Improvements That You observe from Customer interactions you also work on Enhancing any documentation and training Materials for their privacy and safety Customer support protocols and of course You'll work internally with the legal Trust and safety and product teams now They are not requiring any kind of College degree for this position they do Want somebody however that has three Years of responding to escalated Customer service requests with ticketing Software such as zendesk so if you've Had some kind of customer support in the Past where you've used email tickets Chat any kind of online type of customer Service this might be for you they're Looking for somebody who's comfortable Handling very sensitive communication in The subject matter of course you have to Have excellent written communication Skills and be comfortable interacting With a variety of audiences now Unfortunately they did not list pay for This position and that's going to have To be asked at the time of the interview They did not have a privacy support Specialist on Glassdoor but they have a Few regular customer service reps and That looks like anywhere from a forty

Seven thousand dollars a year all the Way up to fifty thousand dollars a year Reported by this person and another one That said 53 to 59 000 a year so that's what you can back Somewhere in the probably 45 to 50 000 Range all right if you've made it to the End of this video I want to say thank You so so much for watching and Supporting me as always feel free to Leave anything specific that you're Looking for or any comments you have on How I can make this channel better leave Them down below in the comments section And I'll be back really really soon with More work from home job leads just for You

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