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Foreign Welcome back I hope everybody's doing Good this Saturday morning I'm doing Great and I'm back with another job for You guys and this one right here is Coming from one of my favorite companies They always have pretty good jobs Available and we're going to be talking About the company equivity and currently They're looking for a part-time virtual Executive assistant East Coast so let's Go ahead and get into the details of Course this is remote and equivity is Looking for part-time East coast-based Executive assistants who have experience Supporting c-level Executives and are Experienced in a wide range of Administrative duties including Calendaring email inbox management Travel Arrangements project coordination Like bookkeeping and preparing expense Reports you will also help the c-level Executive with creating meeting agendas Communicating with seniors level staff And keeping the executive on track and Following up on tasks as needed so with This job right here it is going to be a W-2 position it's not an independent Contractor position and the looking for Someone who has at least 20 hours per Week of availability and the starting Pay is 18 per hour virtual assistants Can earn a pay rate increase after three Full months of employment if they meet a

Minimum number of billable hours and Achieve client satisfaction goals so They're looking for someone who has Organization dedication reliability Attention to detail excellent Communication skills also the ability to Work independently and you can earn up To 25 an hour of course depending on Your experience need to have a Bachelor's degree three plus years of Experience as an executive assistant or An office manager directly reporting to The company CEO or president expert Proficiency with Microsoft Office and The Google Suite of programs experience Preparing expense reports utilizing Expensify conquer or other cloud-based Software experience creating meeting Agendas and communicating with senior Management experience coordinating Projects and working with a team and be Available to work and make and respond To calls within an hour in a Professional setting between 9 A.M to 6 PM Monday through Friday eastern time You will need to have your own laptop And smartphone and broadband internet Access okay so here's the application Right here and you guys already know if You're interested in applying you can Find the link in the description bar Make sure to leave any questions or Comments below and as usual I thank you Guys so much for watching I'll see you

In my next video and good luck to Everyone who applies for the job

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