Healthcare DATA ENTRY Little Experience Needed Non-Phone Work From Home Job 2023 | $53,000 Year

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Welcome back my friends to another daily Work from home job lead this is Lindsay And I am back with another Healthcare Data entry non-phone work from home job For you of course if you're interested In applying the links are in the YouTube Description box below and if this job Lead is not for you always feel free to Leave anything in the comments Specifically that you're looking for Along with any education and experience That you have because I am always Reading those and keeping that in mind When I am searching for job leads to Share today's job lead is from the Company mirrored genetics they are the Parent company to mirrored oncology and They are hiring a patient advocate data Entry now this is a little bit different Shift they are looking for someone to Work a Tuesday through Saturday shift it Is daytime hours in the Mountain Standard Time although on Saturdays that Start times can vary but if you are good Good with a mountain standard time and Daytime shifts and working on a Saturday During the day they are looking for a Data entry specialist to help create Electronic patient charts in their CRM System for incoming oncology patients so You'll be working independently to input And manage patient data from a variety Of different sources in a timely managed Manner and make sure that the orders are

Fully processed to the highest level of Accuracy while working remotely from Home you'll translate any critical Health Care information and test orders From test request forms into the Electronic database accurately you'll Use logic and rules to interpret Possible erroneous handwriting or Communications you'll review received Orders for required elements and Communicate any missing elements you'll Effectively prioritize Communications With prompt receipt and timely Follow-ups of emails messages and there Is that possibility if a written word is Not getting across that you do have to Pick up the phone and make a random Outbound phone call but that is going to Be rare now they don't require any College degree and they require very Little to no actual experience their Qualifications are that you have to have A high school diploma or GED you have to Know how to navigate a computer and use Microsoft Office you have to be able to Type at least 50 words per minute and Have the ability to do your own Technical troubleshooting if you're Having any Tech issues you need to be Able to work independently and Self-prioritize a tasks and assignments Be detail-oriented and a quick learner Now they do have preferred Qualifications of six months to one year

Of some kind of medical transcription Experience but that is not required so Technically no experience is required And very little is actually preferred That six months now if the this sounds Like something that you are interested In applying for of course the job did Not list the actual pay that will have To be discussed at the time of the Interview however Merit genetics does Have a glass door page where people have Worked for them in the past have Reported their actual salaries and when You look up data injury it's five Different people have submitted their Salaries and it is ranges anywhere on The low end from forty four thousand Dollars a year the top pay has been Sixty seven thousand dollars a year so It looks like the average pay for their Data entry is about 53 000 a year and With 52 weeks being in the year that's a Little over a thousand dollars a week All right if you've made it to the end Of this video I want to say thank you so So much for watching and supporting me If you found it helpful please help me Out by giving this video a thumbs up Like button and of course share with all Your friends and family so we can all Work from home living our happiest Healthiest life and I'll be back really Really soon with more work from home job Leads just for you

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