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Good morning happy Saturday it's Suzanne Today I have a work from home job lead It is a data entry clerk with the Company Sun Warrior and in this position You're not going to have to talk to Customers on the phone you're going to Be mostly entering data into their Systems now they're paying a great Salary between 20 and 30 dollars per Hour which is around up to twelve Hundred dollars per week it's a Full-time remote position and it's Primarily entering data from home so a Little bit about this company they are Here for every step as you take your Nutritional journey to light energy and Love they believe the answers to Optimal Health are found in nature their vision Is to taste better and be healthier so That they can accomplish their mission To help you be your best self performing At your Optimum and living your best Life they do this by offering clean high Quality plant-based ingredients from Nature alright so that's a little bit About the company a little bit about the Role they have an excellent opportunity For a highly skilled and motivated data Entry clerk who is looking to have their Career with them they are looking for a Data-driven guru has great attention and Looking to thrive in a dynamic growing Environment they're seeking a warm and Friendly individual to join the data

Entry team candidates should be Comfortable using standard keyboard Accurately entering data into databases And using spreadsheet software in order To generate reports the clerk will work Independently and on a team and must Have excellent communication skills and Be able to multitask so here's all their Benefits main responsibilities there's a Lot here I'm only going to read a few Review PDFs and edit work word docs Confirm corroborate and remove Unnecessary data or combined data from Several sources survey reports and Sheets of data make Excel templates use Manipulate data reformat reformat docs From word to excel utilize pivot tables And other functions in Excel send Approximately 300 emails a month to Third-party organizations to acquire Appropriate data perform other duties as Needed performs low value low volume Data entry all right so I'm going to let You guys read through the rest of these It's basically a data entry position They would like you to have a high School diploma or GED six thousand Keys Per hour is Preferred Office computer Experience preferred solid computer Skills data entry detail-oriented and All the rest so if you got a little bit Of data entry experience and maybe if You don't have a lot but you have that High school diploma go ahead and give it

A shot go ahead and apply I'm going to Put the instructions for how to apply Down in the description if you're new Here welcome my name is Suzanne I hope You'll subscribe for more daily job Leads and I'll see you all tomorrow

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