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Hey everyone it's Suzanne back with your Third work from home job lead this is a Data entry specialist with the company Infra space technology it is a fully Remote position and they're paying Anywhere between 1575 and 26.65 cents an hour so great salary they Are looking to hire a dynamic data entry Specialist to join their company's admin Department in this role you'll be Responsible for entering client Information into their electronic Storage system updating existing entries And organizing hard copies of Information appropriately to ensure Success as their data entry specialist You should display impeccable Organization skills and experience Working with a variety of databases Ultimately a top-notch data entry Specialist should have a razor sharp eye For detail and excellent knowledge of Data management they would like you to Collect and digital digitize data such As invoices canceled bills client info And financial statements maintain a Detailed and organized storage system Keep a record of hard copy data such as Invoices inventory checklists and other Docs established data entry standards Address data inconsistencies by working With admin staff attending to data at Queries and Reporting any major data Errors to management adhering to best

Data management practices and Maintaining a high standard of accuracy So requirements they'd like you to have A high school diploma one year of Experience working as a data entry Specialist some knowledge of data entry Software exceptional organizational Skills good communication skills solid Time management and excellent typing Skills and experience working with Windows Microsoft Office and Google Suite this is a remote opportunity this Position can be done entirely remotely As long as the team member has access to A fast reliable internet and a quiet Uninterrupted workspace all right if You're interested in this position it's Been up for a while and it is still open So go ahead and give it a shot I'm going To put the instructions for how to apply To this job down in the description and I will see you all tomorrow with more Work from home job leads have a good day

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