High Paying Work From Home Job Non Phone Part Time | $55-$75 An Hour | Best Remote Job Hiring Now

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Hey hey hey what's going on two chicks Fam it's me Carl I am back with a Non-phone work from home part-time job Now if you are looking for more Non-phone jobs to skip the interview Jobs the side hustles make sure you guys Come over here to our blog it is Non-phoneworkathome.com be sure to smash That red subscribe button turn on that Bell notification thumbs up these videos And make sure you share on this channel Guys sharing is caring let your friends And family members know that we talk About all things legit work from home Jobs and side hustles and gigs and we Also give away free laptops so we're Giving away 10 more free laptop Computers again they are absolutely free Anybody can win go spread the word tell A friend come back leave us a comment Hop over to the two chicks blog it is Two chicks with the side hustle.com look Under the spotlight job section we are Heavily promoting Omni interactions and They still need people to feel these Customer service part-time work from Home positions make sure you guys apply Today don't forget about branded surveys The link is down below in the comment Section let's go ahead and get into this Great video so this company guys is Called Independence it says that they're Looking for freelance social media Proposal writers now Independence Public

Relations this is a full service digital PR and integrated marketing firm Supercharged by the most advanced Technology ever in public relations to Maximize consistent media placements in Prestigious media and Industry Outlets It's an experience that stands apart we Are a passionate group of professionals Partnering with people and Brands to Look at the big picture and drive Impactful results now it says that They're looking for a freelance social Media proposal writer who can Effectively work with a team to create Create social media proposals for the Clients the responsibilities and Qualifications 15 to 20 hours per week With social media brand management Experience at least five years you are Someone that is familiar with social Media channels especially Facebook Instagram Tick Tock LinkedIn and Twitter Ability to do a high level audit of Social media channels what's working What's not working you are a skilled Writer for sales this one guys it pays 55 to 75 dollars an hour depending on Experience and a lot of these writer Jobs they are high paying this one is on The non-phone blog there will be a link Posted right below the video in the Description box so you guys can check Out this company remember to go over to Google type in Independence see what

Comes up about the reviews know Something about the company before you Apply jot down that information that way You will be what you will be ready when They email you and say that they're Going to interview you you will already Have your information ahead of time so Again Independence that's the name of The company they are looking to hire Freelance social media proposal writers That pay is 55 to 75 an hour and this is A part-time work from home job make sure You guys share this awesome video with Your friends and family members then Come back and leave us a comment down Below make sure guys that you hop over To Facebook you join our group it is Kiss that cubicle goodbye and then you Want to follow us on our Facebook Business page because over there we're Giving away two additional brand new Laptop computers and these computers Guys they will always be free to our Members subscribers and followers you Guys don't have to pay for anything we Pay for everything including the Shipping so you you're not out of pocket For nothing the only thing that we ask In return is that you share our content Invite your friends your family members Anybody that you may know that's looking For a legitimate work from home job or a Side hustle you guys can share the Information and we will be sure to put

Your name on the giveaway list follow us On Tick Tock Twitter and on Instagram Two chicks with a side hustle we're Doing a pop-up giveaway on Instagram Guys so make sure over you're over there And you're following us and you are Sharing our content my name is Carol I'll catch you wonderful lovely amazing People in the next video bye YouTube

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