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Happy Monday everyone I am back with Another no talk and work from home job Lead that I would like to share with My screen and we're going to go ahead And get right into the job where we can Talk about Um the company that is currently hiring Right now so the company that we're Going to be talking about here as I pull Up on the screen here we're going to be Talking about this company here is with Amerihealth they're currently seeking Claims examiners to work remotely now When you scroll down the job only Requires a high school diploma that is The great thing about this job here so When we go more into details about what You're going to be doing on the job the Claims examiner reports to the Supervisor of claims the claims examiner Is responsible for reviewing the claims Based on providing Health Plan Agreements and claims processing Guidelines you can also review research Analyze and process complex Healthcare Claims by navigating multiple computer Systems and platforms and accurate Capture the data information for Processing verifying price pricing prior Authorization and benefits they're Looking for someone that's going to Escalate claims in our system issues to Team lead or supervisors as well as You're going to create and support a

Professional environment which Foster Teamwork Corporation respect and Diversity and this position is required To meet and maintain performance goals Established for the position in the Areas of quality and Productions as well As process claims for multiple lines of Business as requested by management and They want you to understand processing Rules for multiple lines of business and Supports other lines of business as Needed to meet business needs again it Only requires a high school diploma or GED a social degree is preferred that Means if your habit that's great if you Don't don't worry about it one to two Three years of Prior claims experiences Prefer again if you have it that's great If not don't worry about it mathematic Aptitude and analytical skills they also Want you to be able to demonstrate Ability and using computer in Windows PC Applications which include strong Keyboarding and navigation skills and Learning new computer programs as well As the ability to research and Investigate information using multiple Source and document guidelines strong Interpersonal skills as well as Excellent listening verbal and written Communication skills excellent Comprehensive free reasoning and Decision making skills so if this sounds Like something that you're able to do

Then make sure you go ahead and apply Today by clicking here now I am going to Show you a place where you can go and Practice your typing skills for free as Well as Go and show you some places Where you can go and take a practice Listening skills because that is Something that they're want you to be Able to do and again with typing that is One skills that they're not going to Train you on they expect for you to Already know how to do so I'm gonna go And share my screen and I'm going to Show you where you can go and practice Your typing skills for free okay so when You look at this here we're going to go To the typing skills typingtest.com this Is one of many that I show you there's Plenty of other free typing tests that You can go and practice but I like this One because you can check your typing Skills in a minute you can choose how Long you want to practice what if it's One minute two minute three minute five Minute ten minute you choose you can Choose medium tax Easy Tax hard tax for The sake of the video we're going to Stick with medium tax and you can hit Start test Once you hit the star test it depends on Your computer as soon as you start Typing then it calculates your score and It'll give you your test as well as you Can go to typingtest.com this is more of

A course so if you need a refresher Course so if you need to Um typing this is great for you you can Choose touch type and there's 14 lessons You can do the home they go over the Home row letters e and I you get the Picture they go of all of this and it is Free or you can choose speed building Where they have focus on the home rule Row focus on the middle finger Keys Common words or you can choose number Row there's two lessons of the numbers And then you can do symbols and then you Can also do 10 key number pad so make Sure you go ahead and check this out Again this is 3.99 to you as well and I Also want to show you a place where you Can go and practice your listening Skills too because that is one of the Skills that they want you to have in Your um for this position here so I'm Going to show you a free place where you Can go and practice your listening Skills here for free this is a basically Psychology test here where you can do Listening skills um basically they may Say something and they want you to Retype this to see if you got your Listening skills where it need to be so Take advantage of this you can always Google some things too it's free out There so again take advantage of this it Is free to you now if this video has Been helpful thus far hit that like

Button and plus hit the red button that Says subscribe and don't forget to turn On your bell to turn on all your Notifications so every time I upload new Videos you'll be notified plus they'll Give you plenty of opportunity to go Ahead and apply for these jobs before They're no longer available and when I Go YouTube live speaking about YouTube Live I will be going live tomorrow Tuesday April the 4th 2023 at seven O'clock P.M Central Standard Time this Is a work from home q a as well as I'm Going to do a couple of live resume Reviews so make for sure again you join Me on tomorrow which is April the 4th 2023 at seven o'clock P.M Central Standard time I look forward in chatting With you okay now I want to leave some Encouragement words with you like I Always do Is I want you to keep pushing keep Applying don't give up there is a job Out there being made for you but it Starts with you you got to believe if You don't believe in yourself nobody Else will so I want you to go out there Today and grab what is yours by applying For these jobs today I get it rejection Letters after rejection letters Um you're not being able to get hired on A lot of jobs and you don't know the Reason why I suggest you to keep Applying for these jobs because there is

A reason for everything there is a time And season for everything and stop Comparing yourself to other people Because we are all unique in God's way So long as you are tailoring your resume To the job post and you're doing Everything you can all you can do is Just stand and wait and keep applying For jobs and just just staying and don't Give up a lot of you want to give up and Throw in the town rejection is not the End of the world No don't mean no it means next Opportunity life is like a roller Coaster one minute you up the next Minute you down that is just a part of Life you just you have to keep going We All Fall Down including myself have Fallen down many times and it's not About falling down it's about what You're gonna do when you fall down is You're going to stay there are you going To get up with class okay I chose to get Up with class because when you fall down You learn from your mistakes and you got To pick yourself up and I get it it's a Lot of people that are not under Um positive people in their life they're Under so much negativity every time look Around somebody is saying something Negative about them or you can't get This job nobody's not going to hire you Um you're you're just wasting your time It's too many competitions out there

That's why I say you have to surround Yourself around positive people that Have your best interests everybody don't Have your best interest so make for sure You stay around positive people that Have your back okay Remember to keep pushing keep applying Don't give up there is a job out there Being made for you but it starts with You you got to believe if you don't Believe in yourself nobody else will so Go out there today and grab what is Yours by applying for these jobs okay You know that I always talk about having A backup plan having multiple strains of Mcom I believe in not seven but I Believe in eight multiple strains of Income and I talk about bookboat because This is a easy easy Um side hustle business opportunity get Started and make passive income if you Do your research people are making Anywhere between a thousand to ten Thousand a month creating low content Books and you can do the same thing Um if you put in the work and for those Who don't know what low content books Are these are journals the law books Diaries Um coloring books coloring pages all Made in Book boat now um the great thing About this platform is you can always Research the product before you actually Make it and see if it's selling as well

That she can spy on your competitors and See what kind of keywords that they're Using and Implement those in your titles And descriptions not the copy but to be Expired bookboat has a new studio where They have cover craters interior designs Drag and drop editors complete Customization over 1 200 plus free fonts More than one million royalties free Image pattern scalables designs filter And much more and yes people buy these Books every single day And again You're able to make Um puzzle books activity books coloring Books 100 of low content Interiors where You mix and match Interiors to create Unique books for your audience now when You go in here like I said the interior Wizard I do not have to worry about Making my interior for my for myself Because it's already made now if you're Able to do it go ahead and do it but I'm Not a graphic designer so I'm going to Use their free templates here as you can See they have monthly to do list they Have weekly planner two they have Birthday reminders you get the picture But for the sake of the video I'm gonna Choose birthday reminder you can choose Paperback Um I always choose paperback eight by Five eleven or you can do hardcover so I'm gonna choose paperback eight by five

Eleven I'm going to choose 120 pages and I'm going to choose the birthday Reminder and then I'm going to hit Download And this is what up here this is the Interior if I was pleased with this this Is what I would download to Amazon kdb And I would pay somebody on Fiverr Anywhere between five and twenty dollars To do my book cover for me in order for It to stand out so this is something Really really easy that you can do and You can start making passive income Today now if I go back here I know a lot Of y'all probably saying I want to know What the price is anytime that you're Talking about a business opportunity There is going to be some pricing and I Believe it's very affordable you cannot Complain about the situation until you Invest yourself you have to go and leave A legacy for your children and your Children children and the price is 9.99 Per month for newbie 19.99 per month for Pro the only difference is with the Program you're getting the puzzle Creation software included but if you Use my coupon code which is the rest of Sweat all in lower case that information Is in the YouTube description bar you'll Get 20 off the 9.99 per month in this Lifetime as well as if you choose a 1999 Per month you'll get 20 off of that and That is Lifetime also the great thing

About this you can try it out for three Days for free and see if you like it I Guarantee you're gonna like it so make Sure you go ahead and sign up today Because once you sign up today you can Start creating low content books Uploading to Amazon kdb and see Different free social media platforms Put it on your website people will you Can go to somebody that have a great Following and you can promote this on Their web website as well so make sure You go ahead and sign up and stop Complaining about the situation and take Action use the job that you have now to Invest in yourself invest in starting a Business just in case something happened You have a backup plan okay so make sure You go ahead and check that out today Okay now remember like I said is I I Want you to keep pushing keep applying Don't give up there is a job out there Being made for you but it starts with You you got to believe because if you Don't believe in yourself nobody else Will so go out there today and around With insurance by applying for these Jobs and remember to check out the Videos that's listed either at the top At the bottom there are more no talk and Work from home job leads that will help You get closer to Landing your first Second third job even a side hustle and Remember to join me on tomorrow which is

Tuesday April the 4th 2023 at 7 o'clock P.M Central Standard time where I will Be going YouTube live it is a work from Home q a plus I will be doing a couple Of live resume reviews so I hope I chat With you real soon again Thank you so much for watching and I Will see you in the next video bye

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