Lululemon $16 To $25 Hour Part-Time & Full Time Available Work From Home Job | Computer Provided!

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Well welcome back my YouTube friends and Family this is Lindsay and I am back With another work from home job lead for You today's job lead is from the huge Athletic retailer Lululemon they have Stores in malls across the United States They are hiring a contact center Representative gec educator this is Remote for my United States folks only But they do say there's a 13 states that They hire in so that is Arizona Florida Georgia Illinois Louisiana Michigan Minnesota Nevada North Carolina Ohio Pennsylvania South Carolina and Texas But they are providing all the computer Equipment that you need and they are Offering both part-time and a full-time Positions for this customer service role So the gec is what they call their Customer service it's the guest Education center and it's the contact Center for Lululemon on their front line Connection with the guest you'll be Working multiple channels including Phone live chat email and text and this Is a seasonal role they're looking to Have people start in June of 2023 and Work through January of 2024. now they Do have a weight schedule rotation of Different hours that they work weekdays Weekends posted up top here but they are Paying anywhere from 16.65 an hour to 23.43 cents an hour base pay of course

Depending on location and experience and Then at their target bonus is an Additional 2.50 an hour bringing the Total range of pay anywhere between 19.15 an hour all the way up to 25.93 an hour they offer a full hardware Setup and a fixed Wi-Fi reimbursement But as a gec educator you're gonna Deliver world-class guest experience Through all of their GE cheat C channels You'll resolve a guest concerns and Inquiries through connection and empathy You'll be responsible for Quality guest Interactions adherence to schedule and Efficiency targets and you'll have to Maintain a high levels of knowledge of Lululemon policies procedures and Product offerings you will have to Multitask and efficiently navigate Through several different computer Programs by placing orders setting up Returns communicating programs and Troubleshooting to support their E-commerce online business now they are Not requiring any kind of degree from This position and they want someone who Has one year of customer service Experience if you have some kind of call Center or contact center experience that Is an asset but not required they want Somebody who can commit to completing a Two and a half weeks of full-time Training and be adaptable to learning New applications and computer systems

Someone who has great written and verbal Community education skills great Customer service skills and the ability To prioritize and manage your time Wisely now it says a full time is 24 to 40 hours per week part-time is up to 23 Hours a week they lift their different Shift times they have different shift Ranges from 5 a.m to 9 pm Pacific Standard Time and on weekdays and then On weekends it's 6 a.m to 6 p.m Pacific Standard time they are going to require You to have a private distraction free Workspace and again you have to have Your own internet but you need desk Space for their the equipment they're Going to provide you which is a 24 inch Monitor a mouse keyboard and a mini Desktop computer alright if you've made It to the end of this video I want to Say thank you so so much for watching And supporting me I hope you have a Fabulous weekend ahead as always feel Free to leave in the comments anything Specific that you're looking for because I do read the and keep that in mind and I'll be back really really soon with More work from home job leads just for You

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