MINIMAL Experience NEEDED! DATA SPECIALIST! Full Time Entry Level Work From Home Job

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Foreign Welcome back I hope everybody's doing Good today I'm doing great and I'm back With another job for you guys and this One right here is coming from the Company simpler and they're looking for A data services specialist to work in The U.S full-time so this is an entry Level position let's go ahead and get Straight into the details with this shop Right here you will be preparing Source Data for database entry by compiling and Sorting information while establishing Entry priorities and you're going to Maintain data entry requirements by Following data program techniques and Procedures and verify entered customer And account data by reviewing correcting Deleting or re-entering data you will Process customer and account Source Documents by reviewing data for Deficiencies and you will discuss Discrepancies using standard procedures For returning incomplete documents to The team lead for resolution you will Prepare and complete applications link Letters and spreadsheets to manage Care Organization specifications and Coordinate all Managed Care Credentialing activities to ensure Provider participation status Credentialing activities require Substantial contact with outside Agencies and you're going to follow up

With managed care companies to ensure Expedient credentialing annual verified Physician and provider information for Managed care plans include communication With Health Plan representatives and Other staff as necessary and maintain Necessary logs lists records and current Documentation required for physician and Provider tracking you will maintain Operations by following policies and Procedures reporting needed changes Annual maintain customer confidence and Protect operations by keeping Information confidential you're going to Contribute to team effort by Accomplishing related results as needed And also manage phone calls and emails Update caqh profiles create modules Within caqh and occasional interaction With outside organizations you do need To have the ability to interact Positively in a team environment Superior attention to detail excellent Time management skills the ability to Interface and communicate both written And verbally accurate discernment Consistently demonstrate flexibility and Also consistently meet project deadlines And they likely to have zero to two Years of college that's preferred or Applicable work experience experience With Microsoft Office Excel and Word and The pay for this job is 16 to 18 dollars An hour okay so they do have a quick

Three-minute start to their application And then that's going to take you to the Full application you guys know that I Wish you the best of luck make sure to Leave any questions or comments below And as usual I thank you guys so much For watching and I'll see you in my next Video

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