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Foreign [Music] Welcome back I hope everybody's doing Good today I'm doing great and back with Another job for you guys and this one Right here is coming from the company Zantreon and currently they're looking For a client service representative to Work remotely 8 AM to 5 p.m Pacific Standard Time if you're not in the Pacific Standard time zone you will need To adjust that to your time zone so Let's go ahead and get straight into the Details you will be working Monday Through Friday which is always great and You're going to be answering a high Volume of incoming calls from the call Center it will identify incoming service Requests within connectwise dispatch Board and remove unwanted spam you will Provide chat support assistance when Necessary and you will be clarifying and Updating Fields within tickets to ensure Technicians are able to quickly and Accurately gauge the scope of the Service request you will schedule Tickets to the most appropriate Resources based on urgency availability And skill level and you will adhere to Internal security policies by seeking Approve oval for excess changes in Service requests from clients it you Will set client expectations when needed Regarding availability and you will

Maintain awareness of Trends and client Service requests you will forecast the Workload for support staff including Weekend and after hour work you will Need a high school diploma or GED three To five years of customer service Experience and also be competent in Microsoft Office that's going to include Outlook and Excel in word you do need to Be able to multitask and have excellent Customer service skills in verbal Communication skills and this job is Going to pay 40K a year you're going to Get medical dental PTO so here's the Application for this job right here of Course if you're interested in applying You can find the link in the description Bar I wish you guys the best of luck Leave any questions or comments below And I'll see you in my next video thanks So much for watching

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