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Happy Saturday two chicks fam it is me Carl and I am back with a skip the Interview easy peasy side hustle egg so This month guys we're going to help you Guys feel your baskets up if you are new To our Channel welcome and if you guys Are looking for more skifty interview Non-phone type of side hustles jobs be Sure to hop over check them out on the Non blog remember to Share the video help us get to 100 000 subscribers before the end of the Year we have already purchased 10 more Laptop computers to give away to you Guys so make sure you guys go spread the Word tell a friend be sure to come back Leave us a comment don't forget to smash The red subscribe button turn on that Bell notification make sure you guys Thumbs up these videos and check out the Part-time jobs that I posted on the Channel yesterday I also dropped an Overnight part-time non-phone job on the Channel today okay so make sure you guys Go back check that out and then you want To hop over here to the two chicks blog Under the spotlight job section be sure To apply for Omni interactions this is a Beginner friendly company guys no Interview part-time hours and make sure You guys sign up for Branded surveys the Link is down below in the comment Section let's go ahead and hop into the Video so again come on the blog two

Chicks with the side look Under the spotlight job section and the Company that we're going to talk about Today is called prolific and we got this Company from one of our subscribers so Shout out to them now with this company Guys you can make between eight I've Seen ten dollars an hour on here 11 an Hour and this is one of those research Type of companies and they pay out in Cash and not points so let's scroll on Down It says get paid to make a difference Your opinion counts help the world learn And change by sharing your unique Experiences earn money and not points Our set minimum reward ensures that your Time is properly valued by researchers You be productive in your spare time you Can choose the studies from a wide range Of topics in Science and Industry There's no pressure you take part in Studies uh anonymously from the comfort Of your home anytime that you like and I've heard great things about this Company the person that reached out to Us and gave us this information stated That they were able to make like five Hundred dollars off of this company guys So make sure you guys get this easy Peasy side hustle egg in your basket Just get it in your basket if they don't Have anything available in your area or At the time that you may need to do

Something just keep checking back but These are great to have in your basket You never know when you may have to Crack open that egg because maybe one of Your jobs main jobs part-time jobs has Slowed down and these right here guys Can put some money in your pocket now it Won't make you rich no it won't but it Will help in the areas of maybe getting Gas or paying a cell phone or a light Bill so make sure you guys check out Prolific again the blog is two chicks With the side under the Spotlight jobs section click on prolific Get a separate email I don't know how They send out their emails about what They have and things like that but get You a separate email guys when it comes To these side hustle eggs be sure to Share this video or share the link to This job or this side hustle with your Friends and family members and don't Forget to come back leave us a comment Down below and then hop on over to Facebook join us the name of our group It is kiss that cubicle goodbye make Sure you guys follow us on our other Social media platforms we do have a Facebook business page now on this page Guys there will be another laptop Giveaway so we're giving away two more Additional laptop computers absolutely Free to you guys hop on over there to Facebook find us two chicks with the

Side hustle follow us and then start Sharing the content off of that platform We already have some of our subscribers Over there now and they're trying to win Those laptops it is not too late guys We're trying to get to a hundred Thousand on that platform as well so hop On over there and start sharing our Content and make sure you tag a friend a Family member and leave us a comment Somewhere on those posts as well and it Does not matter who where or how you Share just make sure you share and then Follow us on tick tock on Twitter and on Instagram now on Instagram we are doing A pop-up giveaway so we have a lot of Giveaways going on with the two chicks Brand so make sure sure you guys hop Over to Instagram follow us put us in Some of your stories create some reels Talk about us it does not matter how Where anything like that we're doing a Pop-up giveaway between now and the end Of the year so December 31st we may do It on the last day never know but anywho Guys and I don't know right now what We're going to give away it could be Another laptop it could be a desktop We've never given away a desktop before It could be a hundred dollar cash app we Have been known to give away money on This channel with our brand so make sure You guys hop on over there two chicks With the side hustle my name is Carol

I'll catch you wonderful lovely people In the next video YouTube

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