Non Phone Work From Home Job | Get Paid To Process Medical Records | Anyone Can Do This | Online Job

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What is up to chicks fam happy Thursday It's me Carl and I am back with another Non-phone work from home job but before I jump into the video make sure you guys Subscribe like and share because on this Channel we give away laptops all you Have to do is take my video put it on Facebook stick it in some of those Facebook groups share it with a friend And come back and leave us a comment Down below also guys don't forget to hop Over to the two chicks with the side blog and look on the home Page apply for Omni interactions and Also apply for tell us tell us is a Non-phone skip the interview work from Home type of company and don't forget to Let us know in the comments what type of Work from home job or side hustle you Guys are looking for and be sure guys to Go back check out that high paying Non-phone job no interview that was Posted on the channel yesterday and make Sure you guys sign up for Branded Surveys the link is in the comments Let's get into the video so the company Is called Health Mark group and we've Talked about this company before they Have an opening for their medical Records processing specialist work from Home positions so let's Jump Right On in It says this is an entry-level job the Duties include but are not limited to Processing medical record requests high

Volume and fast-paced environment Reports directly to the Processing Manager assist as needed in overflow Processing due to high volume issues and Or coverage issues abide by the HIPAA Guidelines while ensuring the Confidentiality of Phi maintain Consistent schedule by processing our Request within 24 to 48 hours of Receipts for assigned accounts Assistance needed in the Overflow Processing due to high volume issues and Or coverage issues provide feedback Regarding request volume and perceived Issues monitors incoming requests Received through various means general Office duties now the qualities that the Candidate for this position should Include you are someone that is a fast Learner Dependable quick worker team Player positive attitude someone who Strives to do more and guys those are The key words for this job description These words should be included somewhere On your resume so again the information Is on the non-phone blog I will be sure To leave a link right below the video in The description box so you guys can Check out this company healthmark group Be sure to go over to Google type in the Company's name do some research just in Case you guys get an interview you want To be prepared and not surprised and Again the position is for their medical

Records processing specialist this is a Full-time entry-level work from home job Be sure guys to share this video with Your friends family members or anyone Who is looking for legit work from home Jobs side gigs and hustles they can find All all of that over here on this YouTube channel and don't forget to come Back though leave us a comment down Below and then you want to hop on over To Facebook you want to join kiss that Cubicle goodbye make sure you guys are Following us on our two chicks with the Side hustle Facebook business page and Last but not least we have a Twitter and We also have an Instagram we are doing Giveaways on the majority of these Uh social media platforms guys so make Sure that you are sharing this Information and leaving us comments Somewhere my name is Carol and I will Catch you wonderful lovely amazing People on the next video [Music]

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