PART-TIME Nights & Weekends EMAIL & CHAT Non-Phone Customer Support Work From Home Job 2023

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Welcome back my friends this is Lindsay And I am back with another work from Home job lead for you I know I've seen In the comments some Pat people are Wanting a part-time work more Specifically part-time Healthcare I am Looking for that but I did find a Part-time job it seems to be non-phone Customer service it is only on nights And weekends so you can work this around Having a full-time job you can use this To make extra side money but with that Being said please feel free to leave in The comments anything specific that You're looking for because I am always Reading those and keeping that in mind When I am searching for things to share But today's job lead is from the company Boom Entertainment they are hiring a Part-time customer support specialist Who work nights and weekends now this is Remote within the United States Boom Entertainment is a technology company That deals in sports betting they work With big names like NBC Sports MSG Networks NASCAR Adam golf Yes Network And many more they also have a different Casino bedding and sports betting in the U.S they're looking for a part-time Customer support Specialists who work Nights and weekends so Friday and Saturday You will be handling Live customer Support for their contest entry people

Via email and live chat so no phones You'll handle the support request and Escalate them to the appropriate parties You'll verify user identities during Sign up gameplay questions and the Status of withdrawals you'll answer any Other questions that the players have And you will assist product managers and Internal teams with a Document Preparation now one thing to note this The pay for this is lower on the scale They are paying 12 an hour or if your State's minimum wage is higher than that They'll pay your States a minimum wage So this is more of a side gig side Hustle just to make a little bit of Extra money but they don't require very Much experience which is good they only Require zero to two years experience in Customer Support role they want someone Who is college or enthusiasm for sports Sports gaming technology someone who has Great written skills and of course Someone who can use G Suite like Google Docs Google Slides or Microsoft Office Now one thing to note if you do scroll Down through the application it asks if You're available to work remote on Fridays and Saturdays from 5 PM eastern Time to 1am Eastern time so I'm going to Assume that's the hours they're looking For all right as we start this New Year I am trying to provide more and more Work from home job leads for you if you

Have any suggestions of things you would Like to see or any constructive Criticism on how I can make these job Leads and videos better for you please Leave those in the comments below I want To say thank you so so much for watching And supporting me and I'll be back Really really soon with more work from Home job leads just for you

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