PART-TIME Non-Phone Ticket / Chat Support Work From Home Job 2023 | No Degree Required | Side Hustle

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Welcome back my YouTube friends and Family this is Lindsay and I'm back with Another non-phone work from home job Lead for you now Mod Squad has been Featured several times on this channel Before if you haven't seen my past Videos there are multiple videos on them But they are basically a company that Contracts with bigger well-known Companies from gaming companies NBA MLB All of the major companies that have Short-term projects they need done and They hire people to work on those Short-term projects and this is one of Those they've partnered with a gaming Company they're looking for people to Work part-time about 10 hours a week or So for a 90 day or three month period Doing ticket and chat support for a Multiplayer RPG game if you're Interested in this the link to this page Is in the YouTube description box below Um but they are looking for someone with A positive attitude and a great vibe to Work this project it says the mods will Assist and guide customers to the right Answers solve concerns and our GPS for The customers to understand and optimize The best use of the client's product or Game so this one is do you enjoy Multiplayer online role-playing games do You have game ticket support experience If so this might be for you you will be Helping players with any issues they

Encounter concerning the actual gameplay Of the game in any technical support Issues that they have now this will be Done via tickets through the client Specific tools so it is all non-phone Again they're looking for somebody who Can work 10 hours per week and for the Next 90 days if you have great attention To detail good communication skills Gaming experience and some patience get Those applications in now because this Is a short-term side hustle gig you have To have your own laptop or desktop and Mac computers are not able to be used Now one thing to note about all Mod Squad jobs is pay rates are based on the Client themselves and so they vary per Different gigs so the pay rate will Actually be disclosed and discussed with You during the interview process alright As always if this job lead was not for You that's okay please feel free to Leave in the comments anything specific That you're looking for I do read those And keep that in mind thank you so so Much for watching and supporting me and I'll be back really really soon with More work from home job leads just for You

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