Progressive Hiring | Work From Home Job | Make Up to $840 A Week | Equipment Provided Online Job

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What's up two chicks fam happy Monday It's me Carl I am back with another work From home video but before I jump in Make sure you guys go back check out That Hilton video that I just posted on The channel that position will be gone Soon so make sure you guys go back check It out apply and share it with a friend Also if you are new here welcome to the Channel be sure to subscribe like and Share this video with your friends and Family members put it on your social Media platforms we give away laptop Computers on this YouTube channel and All you guys have to do is just share The content But be sure to come back Though and leave us a comment don't Forget to check out the live stream that We did last night we talked about some Easy peasy non-phone work from home jobs Make sure you guys go back check out Their video and apply to all of those Companies that we talked about don't Forget to hop over here to the two Chicks with the side blog Look under the spotlight job section for Omni interactions they are on a hiring Spree I also scroll down to where it Says the recruiter reached out and Applied for Telus Telus is on a hiring Spree as well this is a non-phone skip The interview work whenever you want Company don't forget guys to let us know In the comments what type of work from

Home job or side hustle you guys are Looking for be sure to sign up for Branded surveys as well let's jump in so The company is Progressive They are looking to feel their call Center rep work from home position it Says that if you enjoy helping others And flourish in a fast-paced environment You might be a fit for progressives call Center team you will be taking inbound Calls you'll support and build trust With the customers by servicing their Unique needs while also offering Additional products successful Candidates can multitask have customer Service experience and can navigate Through multiple computer systems will Provide paid training along with Continued coaching so you'll feel Confident serving our customers this is A remote position it says that the job Opportunities customer service rep Support customer inquiries and insurance Policy needs by answering questions Regarding coverage rates billing issues And general policy reviews while Offering additional products inbound Sales reps you share expertise of our Progressive products and services to our Customers to ensure appropriate Insurance coverage through benefits Selling no cold calling must have Qualifications two years of Post-secondary education or higher

Instead of the above two years of Relevant work experience sales only Property and Casualty license if you're Not already licensed you'll have the Opportunity to gain it during training So guys they will give you the license If you don't have the license you can Obtain it It says the schedules most schedules Will include a weekend day and evening Hours after completion of training I do See here guys that the pay is 1950 to 21 Dollars per hour and I also believe that They will provide you guys with the Equipment it does say all Progressive Hardware you receive needs to be Connected to a surge protector so yes They do provide equipment so again Progressive is the company they are Looking to feel their full-time work From home call center reps position the Pay is 1950 to 21 dollars per hour with The equipment so make sure you guys go Over to Google do some research about The company before you apply also guys The link will be posted right below the Video in the description box so you guys Can check out this company don't forget To share share share we are trying to Get to a hundred thousand subscribers And we would like to get there guys Before the end of the month if possible But you never know we may we may not but We're still going to keep pushing out

These great videos for you guys to share With your friends and family members and Also for you guys to apply to as well Hop over to Facebook join the group KISS That cubicle goodbye we're doing a Giveaway in the group and once we hit 250 000 members we're going to give away Something in the group so make sure you Come over there and all you guys have to Do is invite your friends and your Family members to the group make sure That you follow us on our two chicks With the side hustle Facebook business Page so guys on this platform we are Trying to get to a hundred thousand Followers and once we do we will be Giving away two additional brand new Laptop computers and they are absolutely Free all you guys have to do take the Content over there and it's easier to Share because you can share over on Facebook your personal page or your Business page or you can tell or tag a Friend to the content So make sure you guys come over there Follow us and don't forget about Twitter And Instagram two chicks with the side Hustle now on Instagram we are trying to Get to 10 000 followers and guys we are So close so be sure to share we did a Giveaway on Instagram a few weeks ago we Gave away 200 worth of gift cards so Make sure you guys come over there two

Chicks with the side hustle put us in Your story I can almost but guarantee You guys that somebody is looking for a Legitimate work from home job or a side Hustle make sure you share share share Tag a friend tell a friend all of that Good stuff but be sure to leave us a Comment somewhere my name is Carl and I Will catch you wonderful lovely amazing People on the next video You too

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