Quick Hire Work From Home Job | No Degree | Processing Lamp Orders | Remote Job Hiring Now

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TGIF thank God it is Friday what is up To chicks fam it's me Carl I am back With another quick hire work from home Job but before I jump into the video Make sure you guys smash that red Subscribe button turn on that Bell Notification thumbs up the videos make Sure you share on this channel guys we Do real giveaways and we are giving away 10 more brand new laptop computers they Are absolutely free to you guys just go Spread the word tell a friend be sure to Come back leave us a comment down below Don't forget to go back check out all The videos that were posted on the Channel yesterday make sure you guys Leave us a comment down below let us Know what type of work from home job or Side hustle you guys are looking for and Be sure to hop on over check out the Non-phone jobs on our Non-phoneworkinghome.com blog hop over Here to the two chicks blog two chicks With the side hustle.com look under the Spotlight job section guys make sure you Apply for Omni they have a new client Posted so make sure you guys apply this Is a weekly pay beginner friendly Company also make sure you apply for a Tell us Telus is a non-phone skip the Interview and don't forget to sign up For Branded surveys the link is down Below in the comment section let's get Into this video so the company is called

Lamps Plus they are looking to fill Their remote customer service specialist Position the drawback to this one guys Is it is State specific and I do Apologize for that but they don't hire As you guys can see in a lot of States So if you live in Arizona Florida Georgia Idaho North Carolina Nevada Oregon Texas or South Dakota you can Apply for this job or if you know Someone guys that lives in these states Make sure you guys take the video and Share it says that actively seeking Skilled candidates we are seeking a Remote customer service a specialist to Work from home under the supervision of The customer service manager the remote Customer service specialist acts acts as The primary point of contact for all Inquiries and issues involving the Internet customer service via the phone Acting as a liaison to the processing Department team our fully paid training Program is conducted via the webinar for Approximately four to six weeks now this Is the job description you will handle The incoming calls on all customer Service related issues order changes Status updates cancellations with Empathy and a focus on solving any Customer problem on the first attempt You will handle customer concerns with Empathy and presentslampplus.com in a Positive light at all times utilizes the

Salesmanship to maximize sales Opportunities and remains focused on Meeting sales goals and expectations you Will suggest products to the customer While probing for additional info Provides lighting and Home Decor Solutions that are beneficial to the Company and attractive to the customer You will prevent customer returns and Ensures that customer retention by Reasonable negotiations provides Solutions that are beneficial to the Company and attractive to the customer You will demonstrate self-confidence and A desire to go the extra mile to take Care of the customer from A to Z in Order to create a positive customer Experience every time partners with Management on escalated customer and Product issues identifying the Trends on Issues that may affect the customer Satisfaction levels and consistently Communicates them to management in Measurable terms including employee Errors on the orders product Misrepresentation Etc and they do have a list of other Things that you guys will do for this Position now I do see job requirements Minimum of one years of customer service Experience or retail background call Center experience this is just preferred Guys but it is not required so if you do Not have call center experience you

Still can apply for this job as long as You have customer service experience or Experience and with the retail Background excellent verbal and written Communication skills in English you must Be able to articulate details to Customers in a professional and calm Manner computer literate able to Navigate through programs and windows Excellent typing and data entry skills Able to multitask talk on the phone and Type notes at the same time you are Someone that is an effective Problem Solver you must be able to work on Saturdays regular job attendance is Required in accordance with a regular Schedule established for the position by The supervisor full-time benefits are Offered for this position I do see Medical dental and vision and we get Asked this question a lot what jobs Offer insurance and this is one of those Companies so again the company guys it Is Lamps Plus they are urgently hiring They want to feel this remote customer Service specialist position the drawback Is they only hire in well how many let's See one two three four five six seven Eight nine states so that is the Drawback they don't have Um Whether or not the pay I don't see the Pay listed on here so I don't know if The pay is like 15 16 an hour I am not

100 sure about that so make sure you Guys do your own research the link to This job will be posted right below the Video in the description box so you guys Can check it out make sure you share This video with your friends and family Members because somebody might be Looking for a legitimate work from home Job and you want to be the one to help Them out make sure you come back leave Us a comment and then you want to hop on Over to Facebook join the group KISS That cubicle goodbye make sure you guys Follow us on our Facebook business page And it is two chicks with the side Hustle because guys on that platform We're giving away two additional laptop Computers and they are absolutely free So come on over there guys and join Follow do all of that good stuff make Sure you tag somebody over on those Posts so that we can put your name on The giveaway list and you I mean come on People this is free free free free free Everything that we give away on the Channel it is free we do not charge for Anything on this channel unless we are Selling something but these laptops we Will be giving those away absolutely Free and then you want to follow us on Our other social media platform so we Have a tick tock we have a Twitter we Also have an Instagram now on the Instagram platform guys we are going to

Do another giveaway so on Instagram We're going to do what we call a pop-up Giveaway so this means that we are just Going to pop up pop up over on Instagram And start giving stuff away now I have No idea right now what we're going to Give away I was thinking maybe we could Give away another laptop or we could do A hundred dollar amazon gift card or a Hundred dollar Walmart gift card we Could give away some money we could cash App or PayPal some people we have been Known to do the cash apps and paypals Before we also could give away a laptop Stand we know some of you have your own Equipment but you may be in need of a Laptop stand we also could give away a Keyboard a mouse pad a ring light some Two chicks with the side hustle t-shirt So you just never know guys what we're Going to give away just make sure you Are over there on Instagram share us put Us in your stories create some of those Reels like I see over there on Instagram They have the real section now so make Sure you guys do all of that good stuff My name is Carol and I will catch you Wonderful lovely people in the next Video bye YouTube

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