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Hey everyone it's Suzanne happy Friday Today I found a new no interview no Phone job for you I just found this one Online it is with the company happy Scribe and they offer transcription jobs From home now in this job I'm going to Talk to you about where they offer this Position I'm going to talk to you about How to apply I'm going to show you some Screenshots of where I actually put in My own application for this so that you Can see exactly what steps you're going To go through when you apply and then I'm going to talk to you about the job In general so first of all it is Transcription jobs from home they give You the flexibility of working from home You can join a global community of Transcribers from the US United Kingdom Spain France Germany Canada Kenya Philippines and many more so I know a Lot of you have been asking me for International work from home jobs this One may be one that you want to check Out because it sounds like they offer This in a lot of different countries Trees now they do put their pay here I Think that's in British Pounds if I'm Right so you won't look at that I'll Tell you a little bit later if you're in The U.S how much you can expect to be Paid for this job so what I did is I hit Apply and that took me to this screen Right here to apply as a freelancer I

Put in my name my email password I set Up an account and when you select that Apply for button it's going to bring up This screen and it shows you that you Can select any language under the Transcription and subtitling as well as Any subtitle translation so if you speak Multiple languages and you can translate Between say like from English to Spanish Or to French or another language then You can select this here and that gives You more options with them depending on The type of jobs that they need to hire People for and then you're going to hit By signing up you agree to their Policies and that you've read and Fulfill the requirements uh to Collaborate so when I went into the read The requirements it basically just came Up with a bunch of different blog posts Or answers to questions that you could Click on so it had like it was like a Frequently Asked question section you Know how much do they pay and where can You do it from and stuff like that so You can definitely check that out Yourself when you go to apply but that's Generally what that section was and then I hit sign up And then after that I got an email from Happy scribe and it says thank you for Showing interest in joining our Community in order to proceed the Application process please click the

Button below so they're just verifying That the email address that you give Them is a valid email address and then I Hit start my application and it took me To this page where it says welcome to The Scribe application process the first Step is to carefully read our Transcription and subtitling guidelines And make sure that you're integrated all Of the rules once completed you will Proceed to the subtitling test which Will serve to evaluate both your Transcription and subtitling skills now Subtitling is um It's pretty much the same thing as Transcription it could be more like Closed captioning I'm not totally sure To be a collaborator at happy scribe you Need to be proficient in both Disciplines so the subtitles test is Going to take around one to two hours so I did not take the test in this video Because that's a long time and you must Comply with their transcription and Subtitling guidelines there's no time Limit to complete it so you can take as Much time as you need all your changes Save automatically so you can close the Browser and then you can can continue The test later which is really nice if You're signed out you can continue the Test by signing in with the same email And password you used to apply so in This test you will proofread the English

Subtitles to make sure the text matches What is said make sure all the subtitles Are synced accurately with the audio and Improve the subtitle breaks to achieve Optimal readability and then down below It it says we will evaluate the test Submission based on its adherence to the English guidelines this is your time to Shine so make sure you have read and Understand them in great detail before You begin the test so it has this little Link you can click click here that says Read the guidelines they're going to Give you the English guidelines so go Ahead and read through those and make Sure you understand them before you take This test now I went ahead and went in And clicked on those the English Guidelines for transcriptions and Subtitles and as you can see here the Scope is they give you some general Information Flavor whatever that is style and tone Of voice text reduction interjections Consistency special content special Formatting language specific items and Terminology so they're really giving you As much information as they can to help You pass this test make sure you read Through all those guidelines before you Take it and then you're going to click Here I have read and understood the Guidelines and I am ready to take the Test and you can see here on the on the

Left hand side it says English subtitle Link test and then under that it says Questionnaire and then result so you're Going to go through all of those steps Once you're done taking the test by the End of the test it's probably going to Tell you if you actually passed or not Now I don't know if you can retake this Test I'm sure you can but you have to Decide if it's going to be worth it for You to try to study up and retake it if You do not pass it the first time all Right so some reviews about happy scribe They have 31 reviews on Glassdoor and They have a 4.6 star rating which is Pretty amazing 100 approve of the CEO 100 percent recommend it to a friend now This company is out of Barcelona Spain I Believe but they do have really good Reviews on Glassdoor and you see here it Says your trust is our top concern so Companies can't alter or remove reviews So Glassdoor doesn't allow them to alter These reviews in any way so this is a Good sign maybe it's a good company to Work for if you have worked for them I Do want you to leave me a comment and Let me know if you know someone that's Worked for them what their experience Was I'd really like to see that and then Everyone else who's watching this video Can also see what it's like to work for Happy scribe and lastly you want to know How much does this pay in the U.S it's

About 110 to 560 dollars every two weeks Obviously the better you are at Transcription and subtitling the more Money you're going to make you're going To be closer to that higher end of the Scale according to them the best Transcribers can earn more than two Thousand pounds per month that was as of March 1st 2022 so if you're interested In this position guys I'm going to go Ahead and put that link Down Below in The description for you otherwise if You're new here welcome my name is Suzanne I post one to two or usually two To three work from home job leads every Single day so if you're interested in Finding a work from home job like these Go ahead and subscribe and hit that Notification Bell make sure you leave me A comment down below and say hi I do go Through and approve those from time to Time and I really enjoy reading them so I hope to hear from you alright guys Enjoy your day

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