STAPLES Hiring $16 To $19 Hour Work From Home Job Processing Orders | No Degree Needed | USA

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Welcome back my friends this is Lindsay And I am back with another work from Home job lead for you today's job lead Is going to be from the huge Office Supply Company Staples they are hiring a COA order processor now this is remote For my United States folks only real Quickly just a little disclaimer I do Not work for any of these companies I Simply share what I find online so I Don't have any additional information Outside of these job postings now this Job says that the headquarters are is in Elgin Illinois they don't say anything About State restrictions when hiring as Stated I cannot be absolutely a hundred Percent positive on that but if you're Interested in getting the application in The links to this page are in the YouTube description box below this video Now this job is actually going to Require some phone work they're looking For some someone to primarily focus on Processing orders that are Pre-configured or clean and routing them To the appropriate production facility You will field assess and direct all Inbound calls to the COA desk you'll Utilize all available Staples order Systems as well as understand how and Who to contact at each production Facility to effectively answer any Inbound inquiries for the partners or Customers so you'll also be working with

Their ticketing and routing system Making minor edits to the solution Builder job tickets you'll make sure all Due dates shipping details and special Instructions are reviewed and clearly Noted on the orders you'll utilize order Routing Matrix to determine the Appropriate production facility that the Order needs to go to You'll name files With standard naming conventions the Print tickets to go to the appropriate Production facility you'll also be order Entering transfer orders in to the System as necessary now they are not Requiring any kind of a college degree For this position they do want somebody Who is two to four years experience in Some kind of customer service or office Administrative role somebody who can Demonstrate the ability in a position That is a solid negotiation and Relationship building skills of course You have to have great Microsoft Office And Adobe Acrobat a PDF computer skills The ability to read and interpret Instructions they also want somebody who Is excellent phone communication skills Someone who has ability to monitor email And handle multiple priorities or Multitask including data entry while on The phone now if this sounds like Something you're interested in they're Paying anywhere from 16 to 19 an hour of Course that's going to be based on

Experience they're also offering a Standard benefit package that includes All the things like health insurance and A 401k and they do offer flexible work Arrangements including working remote And it says they offer flexible hours Alright as always if this job lead was Not for you that's okay please feel free To leave in the comments anything Specific that you're looking for I do Read those and keep that in mind thank You so so much for watching and Supporting me and I'll be back really Really soon with more work from home job Leads just for you

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