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Did you watch today's YouTube video it Is with the company Farmers Insurance They're currently seeking electronic Document processor to work from home and The pay is 15 an hour that is six Hundred dollars per week no degree is Required it only requires a high school Diploma and they are looking to hire Immediately so if you didn't watch it Let's go check this video out today Um and see what are the requirements Again we're talking about Farmers Insurance they are seeking electronic Document processor one year to work one Year as a contractor there at the job The paid as you see on the screen is 15 An hour some of the duties that you're Going to be doing is you're going to Process review claims related electronic Documents and are responsible for Quickly and actually disposition each Dot it only requires a high school Diploma or equivalent This is the thumbnail that you need to Go and check out and watch the entire Video Remember go check out my YouTube video For more videos that go out every single

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