Up To $23 Hour Healthcare Work From Home Job With No Degree Needed | USA | Collection Specialist

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Well welcome back my YouTube friends and Family this is Lindsay and I am back With another work from home job lead for You today's job lead is going to be in The healthcare field and of course the Link to this page if you want to get That application in is in the YouTube Description box below this video today's Job lead is from the company hanger they Are a provider of orthotic and Prosthetic services and products they Are hiring a CCO specialist otherwise Known as a collections specialist to Work remote from home now this is Telecommute work from home for my United States folks only but you'll basically Be trying to collect payment on medical Claims and medical collections you'll Stick to the adherence of the strict Guidelines for adjustments or refunds Write-off policies and procedures as Outlined in the hanger clinics operating Procedures you you'll maintain databases By entering updated and retrieving data As well as formatting and generating Reports you'll resolve outstanding Invoice problems from past due accounts And you'll respond to inquiries from Customers or external collection Resources so that you may have to pick Up the phone and place outbound phone Calls or send messages to those patients With unresolved balances your review and Monitor any assigned accounters and

Applicable collection reports And you'll manage those collection calls And online resources in a professional Manner you'll be collecting a customer Payments in accordance with the payment Due dates Now they are not requiring any kind of College degree for this position just a High school diploma or GED they're Looking for someone who's two years of Some kind of office administrative Experience someone who has a medical Office collections is preferred but not Required a course that you've got to be Able to key at least 40 words per minute With accuracy now one thing that Confused me a little bit is it does say You have to have a valid driver's License I'm not sure why that is in There because this is a work from home Job so you might want to ask them at the Time of the interview and they don't State anything about required travel Other than that they're looking for Someone who has a great communication Skills someone who is working knowledge Of HIPAA guidelines and different Health Care standards and laws and of course You need to be able to work with Microsoft Office Word Excel PowerPoint All the things now of course the pay is Always dependent on location an Experience pay for this position ranges Anywhere from 16 an hour all the way up

To twenty three dollars and 40 cents an Hour of course they offer a standard Benefit package that includes Health to Dental vision of 401k and paid time off All right as always if this job lead was Not for you that's absolutely okay Please feel free to leave in the Comments anything specific that you're Looking for because they do read those And keep that in mind thank you so so Much for watching and supporting me and I'll be back really really soon with More work from home job leads just for You

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