Walmart Hiring Work From Home Job ] Skip The Interview | Part Time No Weekends Online Job Hiring Now

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Happy Sunday two chicks fam it's me Carl I am back with a part-time Skippy Interview work from home job the company Is Walmart so you guys already know this One probably won't last long at all be Sure to smash that red subscribe button Turn on that Bell notification thumbs up The video and make sure you share on This channel we do real giveaways and we Are giving away laptops they are free to You guys absolutely free all you got to Do is just take the video share go tell A friend invite your people over here to This channel be sure to leave us a Comment down below so today is live Stream Sunday what do you guys think we Should talk about on this live stream Today and we should be coming on here Later on this evening be sure guys to go Back check out the two videos that I Posted on the channel yesterday make Sure you hop over here to the two chicks Blog look under the spotlight job Section and apply for Omni interact this Is a beginner friendly weekly pay and They do have some new clients posted on Their back portal make sure you guys Apply for a tell us and don't forget to Sign up for Branded surveys the link is Down below in the comment section and we Do have a non-phone Blog for those of You that are looking for those data Entry chat jobs check them out over on The non blog let's

Get into the video so again the company Is Walmart and they are looking to hire Part-time for their customer experience Rep position now it says that they Prefer candidates on the Eastern Time Zone but it only says preferred guys so If you live in the other three time Zones you can apply for this job as well The operating hours I guess these are The hours that you guys will be able to Choose from I do see Monday through Friday from 8 45 a.m to 5 45 p.m so the Position is for eloquy and I hope I'm Saying that right eloquy is a vertically Integrated e-commerce designation for Contemporary fast fashion sizes 14 to 28 So if you are someone that maybe has Worked in retail or you love fashion This could be the position for you so it Says that we bring Trend driven feminine Polished fashion from the runways to our Customers working on a compressed design Cycle and dropping new Styles every week You will be reporting to the supervisor Of customer experience this hourly Position will handle all customer Interactions via the phone chat and Email lending support to our customers When they need help with an order or Return have questions about shopping With us or just need some styling advice The successful candidate will bring a Roll up the sleeves and a can-do Attitude this is a part-time position

Again guys so you might be our ideal Candidate if you love people And you can quickly and easily be a Rapport with others even with those that You've just met you have a Natural Curiosity about everything and approach Problems with positivity you are patient In tough situations people in your life See you as a mediator or a peacemaker You are agile and you are also flexible You can shift priorities on a dime you Get energized by blazing new trails You're comfortable with uncertainty and Tackling new challenges you have a Strong POV on customer service love Fashion and follow pop culture are great With new technology now I do see here Some examples of duties and Responsibilities I see you understand The eloqui customer to deliver the best Most personalized omnichannel service Experience experiences you interact with Eloquent customers via the phone calls Chats emails other communication Channels facilitate customer Understanding regarding account Information order staff statuses return Statuses product information policies Procedures site navigation and the time Frames you resolve customer issues with Creativity and positivity you know how To be a loyalty within the customer Community by offering consistently Exceptional customer service you can

Manage those personal efficiencies to Support achievement of Team kpi metrics You work closely with cross-functional Teams to stay up to date with current Products promotions and initiatives you Foster an Innovative spirited Environment that consistently achieves Breakthrough performance you maintain a Customer satisfaction score of 95 Percent by ensuring timely and effective Issue resolutions you service the Customer through processing of back Office transactions such as returns Exchanges and other non-customer facing Operation tasks you proactively sharing Customer feedback internally regarding Opportunities to the overall customer Experience now they do have some Additional qualifications listed here Two plus years of college level Coursework and two plus years of Experience in service oriented roles Excellent organizational and time Management skills ability to remain Professional and courteous with Customers at all times you are strategic Thinking and you are a problem-solving Skills person You have good judgment and ability to Make data justify business decisions High level of attention to detail great Verbal and written communication skills You have a drive to be an entrepreneur Or entrepreneurial drive you thrive in a

Fast-paced and dynamic environment where It's all about multitasking to get the Job done ability to partner with team Members across different internal Functions proficient in Microsoft Office Or G Suite goal-oriented focused and They do have some minimum qualifications Listed here I see one year's experience With basic computer processing data Entry software or six months experience In retail operations contact center Operations or a related area so guys if You have some type of customer service Experience retail experience basic Computer processing or data entry Software experience be sure to apply for This position now the link will be Posted right below the video in the Description box so you guys can check Out this position with Walmart so again Walmart is hiring for their customer Experience rep position it is part-time The client is eloquy and the hours are Monday through Friday I did not see any Weekends listed here again if you live In the other time zones this only saves Prefer they prefer candidates on the Eastern Time Zone however if you don't Live in the Eastern time zone or on the Eastern Time Zone you still can apply For this job there will be a link right Below the video in the description box Make sure you guys do some research make Sure you share my video leave me a

Comment down below And then you want to hop on over to Facebook join our group KISS that Cubicle goodbye make sure you guys Follow us over on our Facebook business Page and it is two chicks with the side Hustle because guys we are giving away Two additional brand new laptop Computers over on that platform so be Sure to follow us over there on that Platform guys and then what you want to Do after that you want to follow us over On our other social media platforms Tick Tock Twitter and also on Instagram two Chicks with the side hustle now on Instagram guys we are giving away Something we're doing a pop-up giveaway I have no idea what we're gonna give Away it could be a laptop it could be a Desktop it could be a ring light it Could be a laptop stand a keyboard a Mouse pad could be some two chicks with A side hustle t-shirts or sweatshirts Right now we don't know where we're Gonna give away but we are going to pop Over on Instagram between now and the End of the year and do a giveaway over There so make sure that you guys are Following us over there make sure you Are sharing this great content over There as well creative some reels put us In your stories share share share my Name is Carol and I will catch you Wonderful lovely amazing people on the

Next video bye Bye YouTube

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