WEEKEND JOB! $20 Hourly PART TIME Work From Home Job For Spring/Summer 2023

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Foreign Welcome back I hope everybody's doing Good today I'm doing great and I'm back With another job for you guys and this One right here is coming from the Company lavender education and they're Currently looking for an edtech customer Service specialist okay so this is a Part-time job it does say Narberth Pennsylvania but I didn't see anything On the application that said that you Had to be there to work this job it is Fully remote this job is going to be Twenty dollars an hour and this is going To be a weekend part-time job working Saturday and Sunday from 9 A.M to 3 P.M Eastern Time 8 A.M to 2 p.m Central of Course adjust that to your time zone and This job is going to last through August So this is going to be some good little Summer money for you so let's go ahead And get straight into the details with This job you're going to be delivering An exceptional level of service to the Clients via phone email and chat while Effectively managing a high volume of Inbound communication you are going to Provide clients with personalized Recommendations and detailed information Nation regarding locations availability Course offerings and overall Registration process you will document Review and make requested changes to Customer accounts using support desk

Ticketing systems and Camp management Software and you're going to develop Valuable relationships with clients by Identifying their needs and assisting in Troubleshooting or resolving issues with Empathy professionalism and patience you Will utilize your institutional and Experiential knowledge to problem solve And make educated informed decisions When challenges rise you do need to have A positive and outgoing personality and Have a minimum of two years professional Work experience in stem education Management business or related field Previous experience in edtech or summer Camp programming is a plus excellent Written and verbal communication skills Be able to troubleshoot and you must Have a clearance of all required Background checks okay you will fill This little quick three-minute Application out and then it's going to Take you to the main application of Course if you guys are interested in Applying for this job check out that Link in the description bar leave any Questions or comments below and you guys Already know I appreciate you so much For watching I'll see you in my next Video and good luck to those who apply For the job

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