Weight Watchers Hiring PART TIME $17 To $18 Hour Work From Home Job | Paid Training | No Degree |USA

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Welcome back my friends this is Lindsay And I am back with another work from Home job lead for you if you enjoy Eating healthy and being fit you may Have heard of Weight Watchers before Weight Watchers is hiring a remote Customer service agent now this is a Part-time position and it is within Select States within the United States Those are Kansas Texas Florida Arizona Georgia North Carolina New York Colorado Ohio and Missouri so if you live in one Of these states this opportunity might Be for you of course the links if you're Interested in applying are always in the YouTube description box below this video They are looking for somebody part-time To just to be the friendly voice on the Other end of the phone and answer all Questions related to Weight Watchers so You'll be providing support to members Servicing various product questions or Resolution via inbound phone calls You'll provide a timely efficient and Accurate a follow-up to user questions Or issues and you'll answer the incoming Calls regarding billing issues for their Weight Watchers subscriptions product Problems service questions or any other General concerns that people have So you'll basically be serving as the Champion of the brand to help save their Membership and keep that Customer Loyalty you may also have to update

Member information in the member Databases when they need to such as Names addresses phone numbers all of Those things and they do measure a Performance on their call center reps by Keeping a scorecard of you get that Shows your agent satisfaction score your Issue resolution and quality assurance So they probably do when the customer Gets off the phone with you one of those Little surveys they are not requiring Any kind of a college degree and just a High school diploma or GED of course They need somebody who has great Attention to detail and excellent Communication skills someone who can be A problem solver work in a fast a paced Customer service environment and of Course you have to have high-speed Internet connection to get those phone Calls coming in in without them Buffering breaking up and being choppy Now they are paying 17 to 18 dollars an Hour for this position and again it is a Part-time position so it does not come With Benefits all right if this job lead Was not for you that is okay always feel Free to leave anything specific you're Looking for in the comments I do read Those and keep that in mind thank you so So much for watching and supporting me And I'll be back really really soon with More work from home job leads just for You

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