Work When You Want | No Interview | No Experience | Non Phone Work From Home Job | Online Jobs

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Happy Sunday two chicks fam it is me Carl and I am back with a skip the Interview non-phone work whenever you Want job but before I jump into the Video make sure you guys subscribe like And share because on this channel guys We do real giveaways and we are giving Away 10 more brand new laptop computers And they are absolutely free to you guys All you have to do is take my video go Put it on your social media platforms Put it on some in some Facebook groups Share it with a friend a family member But be sure to come back though and Leave me a comment down below don't Forget guys to go back and check out all The videos that were posted on the Channel yesterday I did drop a no Experience non-phone chat job the Company guys they are hiring like crazy So make sure you guys go back and check It out and then you want to hop over to The two chicks with the side Blog look under the spotlight job Section make sure you guys apply for Omni Omni is on a hiring spring three I Also guys scroll down and apply for tell Us tell us is also on a hiring spree as Well and both of these are skipped the Interview you could apply and work both Of them guys because you can set your Own hours make sure you guys look down Below in the comment section and sign up For Branded surveys easy peasy survey

Site let's jump into the video so we've Talked about this company before it is Tell us and they have another position Open It is for their personalized ads Evaluator English U.S position so it Says here that in the description we Help companies test and improve machine Learning models via our Global AI Community of 1 million plus annotators And linguists our proprietary A1 Training platform handles all data types Text images audio video and Geo across 500 plus languages and dialects so this Position guys they are looking for a Dynamic and creative people who have Strong communication skills and use the Internet daily the job involves Analyzing and providing feedback on Online advertisements found in search Engine results and evaluating their Relevance to the Search terms used Personalized as evaluators they log on To the online tool to select the tasks To do on a self-directed schedule a Personalized ads evaluator provides Feedback and analysts and analyzes on Advertisements found in search engine Results and provides ratings on their Relevance to the Search terms used now Some of the task types will require both A desktop laptop and a smartphone Experience using Gmail as your primary Email daily access to and use of a

Broadband internet connection to perform The work the requirements high school Diploma or GED qualification you must be Living in the U.S for the last three Consecutive years active daily user of Gmail and other forms of social media so The other forms could be Twitter Instagram Tick Tock things like that Access to and use of a secure broadband Internet connection a laptop or desktop Computer and an Android smartphone 4.1 Or higher or you can have an Apple IPhone as well version 8 or higher To be used to perform the work so if you Have an Android or an iPhone Guys you Can apply for this one experience and Use of web browsers you really don't Need experience for this one they're Just looking for people that are Familiar with current and historical Business news media Sports social media Cultural Affairs in the US so anything That's happening right now or anything That's trending I would say in the U.S You guys need to be familiar with it so Again the company is tell us they are Looking to feel their personalized as Evaluator English work from home Part-time position and this company guys They will let you pick and choose the Hours the times and the days that you Want to work so the information it is on The non-foam blog and I will be sure to Leave a link right below the video in

The description box so you guys can Apply for this job be sure to go over to Google type in Telus International do Some research about the company because You need to know who who you are working For even though it is a skip the Interview type of position make sure you Guys hop over to Facebook we got a lot Of giveaways going on so the group is Kiss that cubicle goodbye make sure you Join and invite your people to the group We are trying to get it up to 250 000 Members and we are going strong with That number make sure you guys follow us On our business page on Facebook it is Two chicks with the side Hustle Be sure to share guys because we're Giving away two additional laptop Computers they are absolutely free brand New computers and they are beautiful Make sure you guys check it out come Over there follow us follow us follow us And invite invite invite share share Share and then last but not least Instagram two chicks with the side Hustle and Twitter two chicks with the Side hustle on Instagram we're trying to Get to uh ten thousand I was about to Say a hundred thousand but ten thousand Is the milestone for right now 10 000 Members on Instagram or followers on Instagram be sure to follow us to chicks With the side hustle make sure you share Guys we are giving away some nice things

On Instagram I can't tell you guys what It's gonna be though because I don't Even know myself but make sure you Follow us my name is Carl I hope you Guys have a beautiful Sunday and I will Catch you live in the next video bye YouTube

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