$105,830 Year Work From Home Job With NO DEGREE Required | Create Training Documentation | USA

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Welcome back my friends this is Lindsay And I am back with another high paying Work from home job lead for you today's Job lead is from the company float now This is remote within the United States Only but they are looking for a customer Success on boarding Specialists if You're interested in putting that Application in for this the link is in The YouTube description box below this Video but they are looking for someone To work with their onboarding specialist To train in order on board new customers At scale and help them Reach their goals By getting the most value out of a float Now their customers are typically teams Within large organizations so you'll Work with the team to create one-on-one Mini approach for training through Avenues like webinars video libraries Customer academies and onboarding guides So you're basically just going to be Training these teams and customers of Afloat on how to make the best use of Float now in case you did not know float Provides a software solution to Companies to manage their time so it's Like a productivity based management System that different companies use Early on in the position you'll be Learning the float product yourself and Understanding what Resource Management Looks like on the customer side you'll Then work on creating onboarding content

Or documentation that can be helped to Use at scale so maybe like training Guides or you know how-to guides on how To use the product and then once you get Settled into the position you'll also be Establishing handoff processes to teams Like sales support and operations you'll Be creating a product education Campaigns and doing a little bit more Detailed with the training and Onboarding now again this is another High paying job that is not requiring Any kind of college degree they're Looking for someone who is customer Onboarding or training or customer Success experience already someone who Has experience already creating content For customers maybe product education or Ongoing support documentation someone Who is a drive to be the customer's Advocate and of course you have to have Great communication skills but they are Paying a hundred and five thousand eight Hundred and thirty dollars a year for This position now if you are interested Down below they do outline their Entiring hiring process but it says Their process takes an average of 29 Days so it'll take about a month from The time you put your application in They'll have to review them they'll Schedule for an interview all of that so Just know that is the timeline going Into it alright as always if this job

Lead was not for you that is absolutely Okay please feel free to leave anything In the comments specific to what you're Looking for thank you so so much for Watching and supporting me and I'll be Back really really soon with more work From home job leads just for you

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