$1,125 Week Healthcare NON-PHONE Work From Home Job With No Degree Needed | Email Support | USA

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Welcome back my friends this is Lindsay And I have another Healthcare work from Home job for you today this one is a Non-phone even though it says customer Support the customer support is all done Through email and this one is for my United States folks only as always if You're interested in applying to any of These jobs that I share the links to the Pages and the applications are always in The YouTube description box below this Video you may have to click the little More button to have the description Completely drop down where you can get To the links just letting you know but Today's job lead is from the company Healthy now healthy is a technology Company in the healthcare industry they Are offering Next Generation digital Health organizations that provide Virtual First Care so they're trying to Help in the Telehealth Space by Providing a brand of solutions such as Scheduling software a electronic medical Records software coaching tools client Engagement tools all of those things They're going to help providers provided The best care possible to their patients They are looking for a customer support Specialist now they do note that their Support line is open Monday through Friday 9 A.M to 5 PM eastern time and on The weekends from 9 A.M to 1pm Eastern Time so you need to be flexible and be

Able to work some weekends you will get A day off during the week if you are Working on a weekend day and of course It doesn't matter where you live in the United States they are hiring throughout The United States but you do have to Convert your time zone to their hours to See if that will work for you but they Are looking for someone to work out of Their main support queue to answer Questions via email you'll document Feature requests for the product team so If someone sends in an email asking for The software to be programmed to do Something you'll escalate that up to the Product team you'll collaborate on and Help update the FAQ articles and Internal process documentation of course You'll be helping them troubleshoot and Report potential bugs too and you'll Escalate any inquiries that include a Technical support issues up to the Engineers now they are not requiring any Kind of college degree they're looking For someone who has one to two years of Customer support for technical or a Software as a service startup company or Two to three years of customer support Or customer service someone who has Experienced providing customer support For a remote office so they're kind of Looking for someone who is used to Working from home already although I Don't think that would be a deal bear

Acre and someone who is proficient with Ticket managing systems of course you Have to have strong writing skills and Be a great communicator now for a Customer support role they are paying Very very well they're paying 58 500 Dollar dollars a year that breaks down To 1125 dollars a week and of course on Top of that they offer a standard Benefit package that includes Health Dental vision 401K paid time off all of The things they also provide a new work Laptop and home office equipment stipend So they're going to provide everything You need to get your office set up all Right as always if this job lead was not For you that is absolutely okay please Feel free to leave in the comments Anything specific that you're looking For along with any education and Experience that you have I do read those And keep that in mind thank you so so Much for watching and supporting me and I'll be back really really soon with More work from home job leads just for You

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