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Foreign [Music] Hi everybody welcome back to my channel I hope everybody’s doing good today I’m Doing great and I’m back with another Job for you guys and this one right here Is coming from one of my favorite Companies Avant stay I feature this Company a couple times a year on the Channel a few of my subscribers have Gotten hired to work with this company And I really like them because they Often have decent pay for the jobs that They have okay today we’re going to be Talking about their indirect tax Accountant job okay so if you’re looking For like customer service they do have Those jobs too you can definitely check That out but we’re going to get into the Details of this job right here today and With this job you will be preparing and Filing indirect tax returns for various Impositions including sales boosts gross Receipts and lodging taxes you will Ensure timely and accurate filings to Minimize assessments and penalties and You will stay apprised of new indirect Tax rates and update the relevant Software to ensure Accurate Tax Determinations you’re going to resolve Notices and outstanding tax issues and Assists with indirect tax audits as Needed now they want you to have one to Two years of indirect tax experience a

Minimum of one to two years of Hospitality real estate experience Strongly preferred be analytical Proficient in Excel and prior experience And netsuite flowcast bill.com Asana and Salesforce is a plus be able to meet Deadlines be a self-starter and be Flexible and have strong organizational Skills okay the starting pay for this Job is 60k a year plus a strong Equity Package the pay may be higher depending On your skills qualifications and Experience you will get health benefits And there’s no waiting period to enroll PTO complimentary and discount stays and Advanced State properties and mental Health days as well and they have a Quick application okay so if you’re Interested in applying for this job you Know you can find the link in the Description bar you guys know if you Have any questions or any comments you Can leave those below and as usual I Think you guys guys so much for watching I’ll see you in my next video and good Luck to those who apply for the job

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