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Foreign Welcome back I hope everybody's doing Good today I'm doing great and I'm back With another part-time job for you guys This one right here is coming from the Company Fielding Graduate University and This is going to be an administrative Assistant temporary part-time job this Is a four to six month contract job pay Is twenty dollars an hour let's get into The details you will be reporting to the Executive assistant to the Provost and Senior vice president for assignments Related to the duties of Faculty Governance and the office of Dei you're Going to provide administrative support For the VP Dei activities in a manner That reflects the university and the Office of Dei priorities Mission Vision And values you're going to serve as the Secretary to and generate reports Minutes and Communications on behalf of The office of Dei and the global Inclusion Council bias response team as Well as University committees and you're Going to also administer face-to-face And online meetings for these committees And facilitate broad support and Communication within them you will Maintain an overall standard of Excellence and manage projects as Assigned and they would like for you to Have a bachelor's degree in higher Education business or related field or

Equivalent work experience two years of Previous experience providing Administrative support in an academic or Business setting and excellent Organizational skills problem solving Skills written communication skills Proficient in Microsoft Office knowledge And understanding of the university and Vpdei objectives and responsibilities Independent judgment and also the Ability to collect pertinent data for Current or future projects okay so for This job you will need to upload a Resume and cover letter your application Will not be considered if you don't Upload both of those so of course if you Guys are interested in applying go ahead And check out that link in the Description bar you guys know if you Have any questions or any comments you Can leave those below and as usual I Thank you guys so much for watching I'll See you on my next video and good luck To everyone who applies for the job

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