$16-$20 Hourly, PART TIME! NO Experience NEEDED! New Work From Home Job

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Foreign Welcome back I hope everybody's doing Good today I'm doing great and I'm back With another job for you guys and this Is going to be a part-time job right Here and this one is coming from the Company cogno Sante okay it's been quite Some time since I featured them on the Channel but currently they have a Part-time quality assurance specialist Job so let's go ahead and get straight Into the details with this job right Here a security clearance is required so You will need a public trust security Clearance with this job and with this Job right here you're going to be Providing receiving and seeking feedback In a positive manner to encourage team Building you're going to be Participating in the development and Attainment of team and operational goals And possessing demonstrating and Applying effective leadership skills you Will need to be respectful and courteous And maintain a positive attitude about Workloads you will need to seek learning Opportunities and review and fact check Documentation for accuracy and Compliance you will conduct quality Insurance audits of work as assigned by Leadership and prioritize workloads to Ensure timeliness and quality standards Are met you will conduct necessary Research and you will validate analysis

And Outreach activities in accordance to Policies and directives you're going to Also analyze work based on current Policies directives and investigations Through available resources and further Research and thoroughly understand the Requirements on all work activities and Processes being reviewed you're going to Also suggest process improvements based On QA findings and support and accept Responsibility for special projects and Assignments so you will need to have a High school diploma or GED you must have A typing speed of 35 words per minute With at least 85 percent accuracy and You must be proficient with Microsoft Office Suite you must have basic Computer skills strong customer service Skills and strong verbal and written Communication skills a college degree is Preferred and with this job right here You are going to earn between 16 20 and Twenty dollars an hour of course this is Going to be based on experience and this Job does have a workday application Pretty quick applications with workday So of course if you guys are interested In applying go find that link in the Description bar make sure to leave any Questions or comments below and as usual I thank you guys so much for watching I'll see you in my next video and good Luck to everyone who applies for the job

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