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Hello hello what is up and welcome back To my channel and if you're new hey What's up for the first time my name is CeCe I post these videos daily here on YouTube to help you make this switch From an office to a remote job so if That's what you're looking to do click That red subscribe button below there's Always something new popping up daily And sometimes multiple times daily this Is an e-learning associate 1876 per hour There's a lot here so I'm going to skim Through so I don't waste too much of Your time so let's dive in Cornella Inc Is seeking an e-learning associate to Join our publishing team supporting the Setup and management of online courses And if you want to read more about the Company you can do so here we're just Going to hop into the responsibilities Work with our authors and adopting Professors to set up courses conduct One-on-one calls to teach them how to Use the tools help professors understand How to integrate it into their Institutions LMS work with LMS Administrators at universities to Facilitate the approval of the tool Assist the IT team with setup ensure That heckvat documentation is up to date And continue to add and improve Resources serve as tier one support and Quickly resolve the requests and tier 2 Support for the student requests apply

Creative problem solving coordinate with The internal Tech Team to schedule Upgrades create training materials such As guides and webinars work with the Editorial team to publish digital Content and use reports to monitor the Project queue and submit detailed Metrics at the end of the week to track The progress so what do you need to Qualify you need a bachelor's degree or Equivalent education and experience so If you have equivalent education you Have equivalent experience they're Willing to substitute that for a Bachelor's degree you need to be Tech Advanced Hands-On with canvas Moodle Blackboard D2L brightspace demonstrated Expertise identifying Tech issues you Know LTI Integrations and how to Troubleshoot ability to learn new tools And systems quickly great time Management professional demeanor you can Write effective business communication Using the correct punctuation spelling And grammar you must be a self-starter Who can work independent flexible and Willing to adapt to changes and Willingness to invest in a positive and Engaged company culture you will report To the active learning manager this is Full-time non-exempt the start date is Immediate for those who don't reside in Their normal San Diego area they will Consider you for remote so just don't

Live in San Diego and you'll be good and You can be remote a little bit about the Compensation full benefits package to Apply also you want to submit a cover Letter and a resume and within your Cover letter you want the paragraph that Begins the key to getting instructors to Use LMS effectively is they want you to Know about their product they want you To tell them exactly kind of what you Will be saying to people so I say get Familiar with the products and the LMS Systems in general and you'll be just Fine So if you would like the link to apply For this job it can be found on my Website work from home with cc.com I'll Have that accessible in the description Box below if this one was not for you on Your screen are two other videos I've Posted check those out you might find a Better match for yourself there click my Face to subscribe so you never miss an Upload and I will talk to you in my next Video bye

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