$30 To $33 Hour PART TIME Non-Phone Administrative Support Work From Home Job With No Degree Needed

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Welcome back my friends this is Lindsay And I am back with another daily work From home job lead this one is in the Administrative support field and it is a Part-time but it has a very high paying If you do have these skills and don't Mind administrative support the links if You want to apply are in the YouTube Description box below but the company Analytic mechanics associates they are Looking for someone to work part-time as An administrative support specialist to Help their information technology So this role will take on technical Tasks of managing basic websites and Information systems the salary range for This position is 30 to 33 dollars an Hour of course it says of course this Position can be done remotely so this is A technical Administrative Assistant you Will assist with the general Administration's support of it and their AMA Labs Department you'll be creating Managing and supporting the expense Authorizations and the expense reports For the IT department you'll be dealing With shipping and receiving a hardware Inventory and updates assisting and Scheduling meetings for the executives In person and on-site you assist in Taking notes and assigning tasks during Those meetings you will system reviewing Documents that are created by Individuals in the it and AMA lab

Departments you'll edit those documents Any kind of just administrative needs That they are going to do you will also Manage it key credit card receipts and Purchase a requisitions so when the Executives are making purchases using Company credit cards so you'll have to Use a password manager an email and SharePoint to do collect all of the data And do all of the administrative work With that data now if you are interested In that you do have to be a U.S citizen They are not hiring outside of the United States they want someone who has Experience with General administrative Assistance if you have a bookkeeping Experience in three to five years of Relevant experience working in some kind Of Enterprise environment they do need Someone who has strong communication Skills and can use Microsoft Office all Right if this job lead was not for you That's okay please feel free to leave in The comments anything specific that You're looking for as I'm always reading Those and keeping a lookout when I am Searching for job leads to share thank You so so much for watching and Supporting me and I'll be back really Really soon with more work from home job Leads just for you

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