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Foreign Welcome back I hope everybody's doing Good I'm doing great back with another Job and this one right here is coming From the standard and they're currently Looking for a customer onboarding Specialist of course this is remote you Can be in Portland Oregon or you can Work remotely and this is a full-time Job before you apply for this job check Out their career section I did see quite A few remote jobs there may be something Else that you like but let's go ahead And get into the details of this one Right here with this job you're going to Gather information from the customer Producer and sales representative after The sale has been finalized and you're Going to submit the group information to The policyholder services team while Ensuring that the material correctly Represents customer intent you will Manage the new group through the Drafting of contracts and initial bills While responding to customer questions And install the new group once contracts And bills have been completed you will Educate the customer about the stand Under products services and value Propositions and utilize every customer Interaction to build trust by improving Their experience with their service Model you will be viewed as the expert Within the onboarding team as you

Provide best in-class customer service And you do need to have Direct customer Facing experience strong written and Verbal communication experience working With a variety of internal and external Stakeholders experience identifying Issues and managing multiple projects With demanding time constraints Knowledge of billing reporting setup Contract document issues and a strong Command of Microsoft Office and Excel is Required experience with Salesforce and DocuSign is preferred must have your High school diploma or GED a bachelor's Degree is preferred it's not required Though in five to seven years of Group Insurance experience is preferred and With this job right here you will earn 61k to 89k per year you're going to get Benefits as well and this job does have A workday application those are pretty Quick so if you guys are interested in Applying definitely check out the link In the description bar make sure to Leave any questions or comments below And as usual I thank you guys so much For watching I'll see you in my next Video and good luck to everyone who Applies for the job

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