$53,000 To $55,000 Year Healthcare Non-Phone Work From Home Job Processing Claims | No Degree | USA

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Welcome back my friends and happy happy Friday and this is Lindsay and I am back With another Healthcare non-phone work From home job for you today of course The links to everything I share are Always in the YouTube description box Below this video today's job lead is From the insurance company amerihealth Keratos now they have multiple different Insurance products across the United States they do handle the managed Medicaid or Medicaid managed care plan For the state of North Carolina they I Think they also handle it for other States in the United States they have Commercial lines they I think they even Have Medicare Advantage lines but they Are an insurance company I can contest To the legitimacy of it because I sit in Meetings for my job once a month with Them but they are hiring a claims Examiner now this is remote within the United States but they are basically Looking for somebody to review and Adjudicate which means process claims Based on the provider and Health Plan Contractual agreements and claims Processing guidelines you'll comply with All the internal processes and Procedures to ensure activities are Handled within the guidelines you'll Review research analyze and process Health Care claims by navigating through Multiple computer systems and platforms

Accurately capturing the data and Information for processing so you'll Like verify pricing prior authorizations Any benefits that the patient has you'll Escalate any claims or systems issues up To your team lead and a supervisor You'll create and support a professional Environment and work as a team now they Will have quality and production Requirements that you need to meet but This is completely non-phone they are Looking for somebody who has a high School diploma or GED is required of Course they always prefer an associate Degree but that is not required they Prefer somebody who has one to three Years of Prior claims experience but Again that is preferred and not required Of course you have to have great math Skills and great analytical skills you Have to have the ability to work using a Computer Windows PC applications a Strong keyboarding skills great Listening skills great verbal and Communication skills and great reading Comprehension and decision making skills Because you will be reviewing claims and Making the decision on behalf of Amerihealth whether you're going to pay The claim out to the doctor or hospital Or whether you're going to deny the Claim now of course they did not list a Pay in this position that is going to be Dependent on location and experience and

Does final pay does need to be discussed At the time of the interview however I Always try to give you an estimate and For Glassdoor the estimate for a claims Examiner with the mayor health is Anywhere from fifty three thousand Dollars a year to fifty five thousand Dollars a year now I'm pretty confident In this because if you scroll it down to The bottom of this page 28 people have Submitted their salaries for review on Glassdoor so out of those 28 people 25 That people said they made fifty four Thousand dollars a year that gives me a Pretty good confidence level this is About what you can expect all right if You've made it to the end of this video I want to say thank you so so much for Watching and supporting me always feel Free to leave in the comments anything Specific that you're looking for and if You're enjoying these Healthcare Non-phone work from home job leads give This video a thumbs up like button that Does give me direct feedback if you Don't want to leave a comment that these Aren't being helpful to someone and I'll Be back really really soon with more Work from home job leads just for you

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