BEST BUY Paying $75,000 to $134,000 Year For NON-PHONE Work From Home Job 2023 | No degree Needed!

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Welcome back my YouTube friends and Family this is Lindsay and I am back With another high paying work from home Job lead this room is from the huge Retailer Best Buy if you are in the Finance field at all if you have a Finance background or an accounting Background this might be just for you Best Buy is hiring an accounting manager Now this is remote within the United States and the manager will be Overseeing their exclusive Brands Including Insignia Rocketfish and Platinum you'll ensure accurate and Consistent application of gaap Accounting principles for their International and exclusive Brands Business you'll partner with any tax and CBT legal entity structure overseeing The appropriate accounting you'll lead And develop a team of four senior Accounting analysts you'll be working With ar AP and business operations team To make sure the proper receipt and pay Meant from and to the customers and Vendors is correct and recorded you also Have oversight and control development And management around month in close Flows and of course you'll review Monthly Financial results and Collaborate with Canada and preparing Commentary for the balance sheet cash Flows and the p l statements now of Course they prefer a bachelor degree in

Accounting or Finance but they're not Actually requiring it the only things They're actually requiring is someone Who has five years of work experience in Some kind of accounting or Finance Capacity and someone who is intermediate At Microsoft Excel doing all those Spreadsheets and math calculations now They do pay very very well they pay Anywhere from seventy five thousand Dollars a year all the way up to a Hundred and thirty four thousand dollars A year all right if this job lead was Not for you that's okay please feel free To leave in the comments anything Specific that you're looking for as I'm Always reading those and keeping that in Mind when I am searching for job leads To share thank you so so much for Watching and supporting me and I'll be Back really really soon with more work From home job leads just for you

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