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Foreign Welcome back I hope everybody's doing Good today I'm doing great and back with Another job for you guys and this job Right here is going to be coming from The company game time and game time has Been around for years I used to post Their customer service rep job on my Channel all the time they do have that Job available if that's something that You're interested in along with some Other jobs but today we're going to be Talking about their creative producer Job this is a full-time job and has a Pretty good salary so let's go ahead and Get into the details you will be Supporting the ugc pipeline and you're Going to also organize and track Deliverables and performance data for The greater creative team you will be Responsible for Logistics scheduling Tracking expenses and invoicing for In-house Productions and you got to Manage casting and relationships with Creators Talent agents and vendors you Will need to do basic editing of Templatized ugc videos when necessary Gonna also be responsible for file and Media asset organization so they want You to have excellent organizational and Communication skills experience Producing mobile first advertising Content for social media a deep Understanding of platform specific best

Practices and Trends particularly for Tick tock and IG onset experience Managing Talent crew equipment contracts And permits basic working knowledge of Adobe Premiere experience with Data-driven performance creative on Social media and the confidence to Communicate your ideas and sell them to Peers in leadership it will be great if You had agency or in-house experience With e-commerce brands or apps and Experience with Basic Marketing related Data analysis experience working at Least partially remote and experience Working with influencers and celebrities I want you to have three plus years of Experience working in advertising at Either an agency or in-house for a Company doing data-driven Performance Marketing bachelor's or above in video Production advertising Communications Marketing or related fields equivalent Professional experience will be Concerned considered and this job is Going to pay between 65k and 100K a year Depending on your experience and your Location they also have a pretty quick Application here so of course if you're Interested in applying check out the Link in the description bar you guys Know I wish you the best of luck make Sure to leave any questions or comments Below and as usual thank you guys so Much for watching and I'll see you in my

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